%	zhmath.sty	coded by YIN Dian
%	Use basic CJK characters in math environment.
%	Hist:	071202	First coded.
%		071204	Set \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=0 to avoid a XeTeX bug.
%			Added \ProvidesPackage.
%		071210	Added another method to set Chinese math fonts in
%			LaTeX, via option noactive. Improved format detection.
%			Added ability to set alpha and number fonts.
%		071211	Put \setalphanummathfonts in preamble so that
%			\usecustommathfonts can be used in document in LaTeX.
%			Changed \hbox to \mbox. Changed default option to
%			noactive.
%		071215	Removed \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=0, as the XeTeX bug
%			is fixed by JK. Changed \mathcjksizec/d to fit the 
%			main text size.
%		071229	Added \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=0 again, because not 
%			everyone has the latest version of XeTeX. Added custom
%			and nocustom options.
\input zhspacing.sty

  % set #1..#2's math family to #3
    \XeTeXmathcode\count@=7 #3 \count@
      \advance\count@ by 1

  % set #1..#2 to active math chars, executing \mathchoice #3 #4 #5 #6.
      \advance\count@ by 1

\ifLaTeX@e   % in LaTeX, similar to mathcjk


\def\mathcjksizec{\dimen@=\dimexpr\f@size pt*6/10\relax\fontsize{\dimen@}{\dimen@}}
\def\mathcjksized{\dimen@=\dimexpr\f@size pt*5/10\relax\fontsize{\dimen@}{\dimen@}}




\@ifundefined{zhmathalphanumfont}{\newfontfamily\zhmathalphanumfont{Times New Roman}}{}

\else 	%in plain TeX

\@ifundefined{zhmathfont}{\font\zhmathfont="SimSun" at 10pt}{}

  \edef\zhmath@font{\fontname#1 }%
  \font\zhmath@tenfont=\zhmath@font at 10pt
  \font\zhmath@sevenfont=\zhmath@font at 7pt
  \font\zhmath@fivefont=\zhmath@font at 5pt\relax

\def\setalphanummathfonts#1#2{% #1: alpha, #2, num


  \@ifundefined{zhmathletterfont}{\font\zhmathletterfont="Times New Roman/I" at 10pt}{}
  \@ifundefined{zhmathnumberfont}{\font\zhmathnumberfont="Times New Roman" at 10pt}{}

\fi % end if LaTeX