*** x-mouse.el.orig	Tue Apr 30 14:26:17 1991
--- x-mouse.el	Tue Apr 30 14:13:46 1991
*** 107,112 ****
--- 107,113 ----
  (define-key global-map "\C-c\C-m" 'x-flush-mouse-queue)
  (define-key global-map "\C-x\C-@" 'x-flush-mouse-queue)
+ ; yossi-- modified x-mouse-select to support reverse displays.
  (defun x-mouse-select (arg)
    "Select Emacs window the mouse is on."
    (let ((start-w (selected-window))
*** 120,126 ****
        (if (eq w start-w)
  	  (setq done t)))
      (select-window w)
!     rel-coordinate))
  (defun x-mouse-keep-one-window (arg)
    "Select Emacs window mouse is on, then kill all other Emacs windows."
--- 121,132 ----
        (if (eq w start-w)
  	  (setq done t)))
      (select-window w)
!     (set-buffer (window-buffer w))
!     (and rel-coordinate
! 	 (if (null display-reversed)
! 	     rel-coordinate
! 	   (cons (- (window-width) (car rel-coordinate) 1)
! 		 (cdr rel-coordinate))))))
  (defun x-mouse-keep-one-window (arg)
    "Select Emacs window mouse is on, then kill all other Emacs windows."