%        File: mls.sty
%      Author: Oliver Corff
%        Date: November 15th, 2001
%     Version: \VersionRelease
%   Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin
% Description: The mls style file providing access to all
%		commands necessary for writing Mongolian.
% -------------------     identification     -------------------
\ProvidesPackage{mls}[2002/07/01 IVu.04.092 Mongolian for LaTeX2e]%
% -------------------      initial code      -------------------

	{Greek Gamma Support Available!}%
	{No Beautiful Gamma without Modern Greek Support!}%
	{PostScript Support Available!}%
	{No Vertical Text without PostScript Support!}%
	{Support for Vertical Pages Available!}%
	{No Vertical Pages without lscape.sty's Landscape Support!}%
	{Support for Bicig/Bithe Full Text Available!}%
	{No Bicig/Bithe Full Text without eLaTeX!}%
% The retransliteration and pretty-spell engines are loaded here:
\input mlstrans.tex
\input mlsgalig.tex
% The Mongolian suffix separator, which, to the authors esteem,
% lacks the correct properties in Unicode. In Mongolian its 
% behaviour is: separate stem and suffix, let stem end in final
% letter form, let suffix begin with special letter shape.
	\gdef\mnhyphenon{\catcode`-13 \def-{\hskip.75em\relax\minus}}%
	\gdef\mnhyphenoff{\catcode`-12 \relax}}	% Correct bicig
						% morpheme treatment
	\gdef\mgammaon{\catcode`G13 \defG{\g}}%
	\gdef\mgammaoff{\catcode`G11 \relax}}	% Correct bicig
						% gamma treatment
% The following definition of a double
% hyphen was offered by Donald Arseneau.
	\gdef\mdoublehyphenoff{\catcode`=12 \relax}}	% Correct bicig
						% doube-hyphen treatment
% Check if we really need this:
{\gdef\@sv#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\s s'\else\orgv#1\fi}}%
{\gdef\@sd#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\u v\else\orgd#1\fi}}%
% One variable needed later:
\RtoLfalse	% At the moment RL capabilities are deactivated...
% By accident, Latin1 input encoding is wired into the Cork T1
% package.
% We declare, by convenience, the other necessary encodings here,
% together with necessary ASCII -> target encoding definitions.
% We need our local Mongolian encodings
% (C: Cyrillic,
%  S: (Mongol) Script (glyph mode),
%  O: Mongolian (ligature mode),
%  A: Manju (ligature mode),
%  U: Mongolian and Manju glyph container, heading towards Unicode
%  T: Traditional or Tibetan style) as standard encodings ...
% Latin output encoding is T1 (Cork encoding, copied from
% t1enc.sty), and Mongolian Cyrillic Encoding is LMC.
% The various encodings show different degrees of awareness
% towards transliterated input. 
%  LMC understands romanized Cyrillic and outputs proper Cyrillic
%  LMS doesn't understand really anything and needs the retrans-
%      literation engine of mlstrans.tex. It does not make sense
%      to encode complete documents in this encodings; hence there
%      is no associated \SetDocumentEncoding... command to go with.
%  LMO is intelligent enough to accept a moderately simplified
%      input of Classical Mongolian (e.g.: munggul bicik) and
%      converts that into the proper writing; perhaps one day
%      it will also understand broad romanizations. The asso-
%      ciated command is \SetDocumentEncodingBicig. It will
%      certainly also be the container of utf8-represented
%      Unicode Mongolian.
%  LMA enjoys mental capacities comparable to those of LMO; it
%      accepts transliterated Manju (e.g.: manju bithe) and
%      converts this into proper Manju writing The associated
%      command is \SetDocumentEncodingBithe.
%  LMT isn't really defined yet; regard it as a "reserved"
%      encoding; but surely it will accept significantly
%      straightforward romanizations of Soyombo and X�wt��
%      D�rw�ljin. There is not yet an associated Document
%      Encoding command.
%  LMU is a container for all Mongolian and Manju glyphs (basic,
%      context-dependant and ligatures) which has only half-hearted
%      support at the moment. It may be home to the Unicode
%      Initiative, though. Or should I define a better name for it?
%  LMX (at present) X�wt�� D�rw�ljin. There is not yet an associated
%      Document Encoding command.
	%\fontfamily{\ifRtoL bcgvs\else bcghs\fi}%
	%\fontfamily{\ifRtoL bthv\else bthh\fi}%
% Finally we define the captions:
\input buryat.def
\input english.def
\input russian.def
\input xalx.def
 \input bicig.def
\input bithe.def
% ------------------- declaration of options -------------------
%	As long as we have no hyphenation for
%	Buryat we take Mongolian instead.
	% Makes the document Mongolian. This implies:
	% 1. bicig captions	-> \captionsbicig
	% 2. bicig date		-> \BicigToday
	% 3. vertical lines,	-> \begin{bicigpage}
	% 4. bicig font,	-> \SetDocumentEncodingBicig
	% 5. active hyphen	-> \mnyphenon
	% The following two lines are a replacement for
	% \AtBeginDocument{\begin{bicigpage}}
	% which does not work this way with PDFLaTeX
	% because \mnhyphenon is activated before PDFLaTeX
	% has finished its job. The supp-... files cannot
	% be loaded properly. The following lines simulate
	% \begin{document}
	% \begin{bicigpage}
	% Makes the document Manju. This implies:
	% 1. bithe captions	-> \captionsbithe
	% 2. bithe date		-> \BitheToday
	% 3. vertical lines,	-> \begin{bithepage}
	% 4. bithe font,	-> +- \SetDocumentEncodingBithe
% -------- Loading of various codepage definitions -------------
% Input encodings supplied by MonTeX
% Initial Unicode Mongolian utf-8 support. Experimental
% Input encodings supplied by standard installations
% -------------------  execution of options  -------------------
% ---------------  conditional package loading  ----------------
	% Some conditional no-ops may go here, so as not to upset
	% command definitions which rely on material in rlbicig.
\RequirePackage[,\LGR LMS,LMO,LMA,LMC,T1]{fontenc}%
% PostScript detection; necessary for user-friendly
% execution of vertical capsules
% -------------------       Main Code        -------------------
% -------------      bicig/bithe-related code      -------------
% Font switching commands; influence both
% document conventions and document encoding
% ------------------ mls-bicig-related code --------------------
% Stuff in this area is pretty much deprecated and remains only
% for maintaining backward compatibility.
\newcommand{\bcg}[1]{%			% This one accepts input
	{\ifRtoL\bicigmlsvfont		% in broad romanization
	 \else\bicigmlshfont\fi		% and generates Mongol Bicig.
	 \protect\my@galig{#1}}}	% Only useful for capsules.
\newcommand{\glyphbcg}[1]{%		% This one is helpful
	{\ifRtoL\bicigmlsvfont		% in generating
	 \else\bicigmlshfont\fi#1}}	% ligature-free glyphs
\newcommand{\PrettyMLS}[1]{%		% Transform TeX-ified MLS
	{\my@mls@galig{#1}}}		% transliteration back to
					% user-friendly transliteration
% ------------------ mls-bicig-related code --------------------
% All ...page and ...text environments check whether
% RL support is available. Only then will they switch
% to the appropriate direction. The document encoding
% and the puge numbering have to be specified, too.
\newif\ifbicigpage	% Needed for detection of environments
% ------------------  Cyrillic-related code --------------------
\newcommand{\xalx}[1]{%	Encapsulates Cyrillic texts
\newcommand{\lat}[1]{%	Encapsulates Latin texts
% Assign the kminch font outside the NFSS system since NFSS
% goofs the size of it.
% ------------------   Miscellaneous Code   --------------------
% \MonTeX creates the MonTeX logo
% If the Greek Gamma is available then we use LGR Greek,
% otherwise we use the ordinary math mode gamma, which
% does not look as beautiful.
		{\fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont g}}%
		{\fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont G}}}%
% Some definitions for writing transliterated
% texts, useful mainly in Latin enviroments:
\DeclareTextCommand{\om}{LMO}{\char"060 }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\ch}{T1}{\char"0A3 }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\Ch}{T1}{\char"083 }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\jh}{T1}{{\v \j}}%
\DeclareTextCommand{\Jh}{T1}{{\v J}}%
\DeclareTextCommand{\zh}{T1}{\char"0BA }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\Zh}{T1}{\char"09A }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\sh}{T1}{\char"0B2 }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\Sh}{T1}{\char"092 }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\ng}{T1}{\char"0AD }%
\DeclareTextCommand{\Ng}{T1}{\char"08D }%
% --------------   Final Steps before Leaving   ----------------
% In any case, start with a clean document environment!
% In any case,  and we end with a clean document environment!
% The \packagename\ package ends here.