%%% mac2dek.tbl table for conversion %% FROM: PC eight bit TeX typing (really larger ISO850 character set) %% TO: D.E. Knuth's syntax (normalized). %%% This file is selected and called by configuration file cv.cfg %% for use by cv.tex (B. Raichle's convert.tex revised). %%% Input allows ISO850 character set %% in the eight-bit range 128-255 --- %% If you extend or modify this table, %% please give it a new name. %%% The first entry is the Hex code for the PC %% the second is an ascii substitution text. `^^80 \c{C} `^^81 \"u `^^82 \'e `^^83 \^a `^^84 \"a `^^85 \`a `^^86 \a{a} %% \aa %% \a is small circle accent `^^87 \c{c} `^^88 \^e `^^89 \"e `^^8a \`e `^^8b \"{\i} `^^8c \^{\i} `^^8d \`{\i} `^^8e \"A `^^8f \a{A} % \AA `^^90 \'E `^^91 \a{e} %% `^^92 \a{E} %% `^^93 \^o `^^94 \"o `^^95 \`o `^^96 \^u `^^97 \`u `^^98 \"y `^^99 \"O `^^9a \"U `^^9b \unbrace{\o} %% `^^9c \unbrace{\pounds} %% `^^9d \unbrace{\O} %% `^^a0 \'a `^^a1 \'{\i} `^^a2 \'o `^^a3 \'u `^^a4 \~n `^^a5 \~N `^^a6 \b a %% `^^a7 \b o `^^a8 \unbrace{\questiondown}%%?` %% ?? `^^ad \unbrace{\exclamdown}%%!` %% !! `^^ae \unbrace{\guillemotleft} %% $\scriptstyle\ll$, \< `^^af \unbrace{\guillemotright} %% $\scriptstyle\gg$, \> `^^b5 \'A `^^b6 \^A `^^b7 \`A `^^b8 \unbrace{\copyright} `^^bd \unbrace{\cent} %% \leavevmode\hbox{\rm\rlap/c} `^^c6 \~a `^^c7 \'O `^^d0 \unbrace{\eth} %% Icelandic eth like $\partial$ crossed `^^d1 \unbrace{\Eth} %%\rlap{\raise.3ex\hbox{--}}D %% Eth (Icelandic) %%%% Croatian \Dj, but lowercase \dj (a crossed d) is absent from 850. `^^d2 \^E `^^d3 \"E `^^d4 \`E `^^d5 \unbrace{\i} `^^d6 \'I `^^d7 \^I `^^d8 \"I `^^de \`I `^^e0 \'O `^^e1 \unbrace{\ss} `^^e2 \^O `^^e3 \`O `^^e4 \~o `^^e5 \~O `^^e7 \unbrace{\thorn} %% thorn `^^e8 \unbrace{\Thorn} %% Thorn `^^e9 \'U `^^ea \^U `^^eb \`U `^^ec \'y `^^ed \'Y `^^f4 \unbrace{\paragraph} %% <paragraph>, \P `^^f5 \unbrace{\S} %% <section>, \section