%%%% email-fr.fix
  %%% Error correction utility for email-fr.sty (same postings)
  %%% Laurent Siebenmann, October 1993 
  %%% Master Posting in 1993: anonymous  ftp matups.matups.fr 
  %%%    (perhaps) in directory TypingTeX.dir
  %%% Support: lcs@matups.matups.fr 
  %%% Documentation: after \endinput 

  %%% \SIN@0#1@#2@ : Is 1st exp of #1 in 1st exp of #2 ??
   %% Answer in \ifIN@
   %% Further if true, then \Initialtoks@  \Terminaltoks@
   %% contain the parts before and after.
   %% while \Initialtoks@{#2}%
 \newtoks\Initialtoks@  \newtoks\Terminaltoks@
 \long\def\DeleteMarker@ #1@@#2\m@rker{\Terminaltoks@{#1}}%


 \catcode`\'=12 \catcode`\/=12 \catcode`\>=12 \catcode`\"=12
 \catcode`\_=12 \catcode9=4





 \ms@g{ ***********************************************}%
 \ms@g{ ** Les tabs sont interdits dans le fichier d'entr'ee.}%
 \ms@g{ ** Le nom du fichier de sortie sera  corr.out.}%
 \ms@g{ ** Le traitement co^ute quelques secondes par page.}%
 \ms@g{ ** La documentation se trouve apr`es \space\string\endinput.}%
 \ms@g{ ***********************************************}% 
 \ms@g{ ** Tapez <return> pour les choix par d'efaut.}%
 \ms@g{ ** (ie. "automatique" et "dialogue")}%
 \ms@g{ ** Tapez \space o \space et <return> pour d'autres options.}%

 \ms@g{ ***********************************************} 
 \ms@g{ ** \space a \space pour "mode intelligence automatique"} 
 \ms@g{ ** \space d \space pour "mode dialogue"} 
 \ms@g{ ** \space f \space pour "mode flag" (avertisseurs dans la sortie).} 
 \ms@g{ ** \space p \space pour "protection par espaces" des modifications.} 
 \ms@g{ ** \space i \space pour "ignore protection" `a l/entr'ee.} 
 \ms@g{ ** \space m \space pour l'insertion d'un espace `a la marge.} 
 \ms@g{ ** \space '' \space pour *ne pas* convertir 
       \space l''etat \space en \space l/'etat \space etc.} 
 \ms@g{ *** --- toute combinaison et order, puis <return>.} 

  %\ms@g{ ** \space e \space ent^ete autonome de macros email-fr.} 

 \ms@g{ *** Frappe douteuse >>> \DialogWord@}%
   \ms@g{ *** In the line : }%
   \ms@g{ \emailLine@}%% guarantees enough context

 \def\DialogSubScreen@{\ms@g{ *** Taper <retour> pour confirmer; \space n \space d/abord sinon; }%
   \ms@g{ *** et \space f \space pour flag (avertisseur dans la sortie). }%


  \newif\ifDialogs@ %% not dialog
  \newif\ifSmart@ %%
  \newif\ifSpProtect@ %%

 {\catcode32=12\relax\gdef\OtherSp@{ }}

 \read16 to \YourChoice@
 \def\Temp{\let\emailFileSpec@\YourChoice@ }
   \def\Temp{\def\emailFileSpec@{corr.in }}
 \def\temp{x }
  \immediate\openout\emailNFile@ corr.out 
    \relax  %necessary to prevent precocious expansion of \ifeof?
     \ms@g{ !!! FILE NOT FOUND !!!}\show\Perseverence
 \read16 to \YourChoice@ %\show\YourChoice@
     \SIN@0o@\YourChoice@ @%
       \read16 to \YourChoice@ %\show\YourChoice@
       \def\YourChoice@{ad }%
     \SIN@0a@\YourChoice@ @%
     \SIN@0d@\YourChoice@ @%
     \SIN@0f@\YourChoice@ @%\show\YourChoice@
     \ifIN@  %\message{ *** f is IN!}%
       \edef\Flag@{\XXXX }%\show\Flag@
     \SIN@0p@\YourChoice@ @%
     \SIN@0m@\YourChoice@ @%
     \SIN@0i@\YourChoice@ @%
       \def\IgnorePD@test{\SIN@0\dOtherSp@\@@z@zg @\Spacy@\@@z@zg @
              %%\@@z@zg "unique"!
     \SIN@0''@\YourChoice@ @%


 %%\catcode`*`=12 %%troublesome; by hand
 \catcode`\%=12 \catcode`\<=12 \catcode`\>=12
 \catcode`\^=12 \catcode`\_=12 \catcode`\#=12 
 \catcode`\'=12 \catcode`\"=12 \catcode`\~=12
 \catcode`\*=0 *catcode`*\=12 
 *iWr@{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
 *iWr@{ %% La frappe des accents fran_cais pour email-fr.sty :}
 *iWr@{ %%  / sert comme <apostrophe>, du moins devant  e  et  E }
 *iWr@{ %% ' ` ^ _ pour \' \` \^ \c  respectivement; \" est inchang'e}
 *iWr@{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
 *iWr@{ %% Commandes utiles `a l/'epreuvage : }
 *iWr@{ %\input email-fr.sty %% master posting ftp matups.matups.fr}
 *iWr@{ %% in directory TeX/TypingTeX.dir}
 *iWr@{ %\frenchemail }
 *iWr@{ %\BlockNonASCII }
 *iWr@{ %\SmartQuotes %\noSmartQuotes %\flexcat! }
 *iWr@{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
 *iWr@{ %% Dans le texte modifi'e suivant construit par email-fr.fix,}
 *iWr@{ %% \XXXX  marque les les sites d'erreurs 'eventuelles, par }
 *iWr@{ %% confusion entre / <apostrophe> et ' <accute>.}
 *iWr@{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
 *iWr@{ %% Apr`es avoir apport'e les corrections, il convient de}
 *iWr@{ %% supprimer tous les  \XXXX (faites-le automatiquement}
 *iWr@{ %% si possible).  Ensuite, transportez le} 
 *iWr@{ %% texte corrig'e dans son fichier d'origine.}
 *iWr@{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}

 %%% Will use tripply (or more) nested loops:

 %{\catcode 9=13\relax \global\let ^^09\OtherSp@}

 \newcount \aux@count

     \count@=128\relax \aux@count=256
        \advance\count@ by \@ne
     \ifnum\count@ < \aux@count %
     \endlinechar=-1 for above two lines
     \catcode9=15 %% invalid because tabs spoil fix
     \relax\catcode`\%=12 \catcode`\#=12 \catcode`\_=12 
     \catcode`\^=12 %\showthe\catcode`\^%
     \catcode`\-=12 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12
     \catcode`\  =12 \catcode`\'=12 \catcode`\\=12
     \Loop@   %\message{ * }%
         \read\emailFile@ to \emailLine@

    \ms@g{ *** FINI! :  }%
    \ms@g{ *** Voir \space corr.out \space 
                     `a c^ot'e du fichier d'entr'ee.}%
    \ms@g{ *** Taper <return> pout sortir. }%
    \read16 to \byebye 




  %%% \SetQWord@ gets \QWord@ for machine
  \SIN@0\OtherSp@ @\Remainder@ @%% defines \Initialtoks@
     %% no need revise remainder
     \edef\QWord@{\space\the\Dangeroustoks@ ?e\the\Initialtoks@\space}%
     %\show\QWord@ %% space?

  %%% \SetDialogWord@ gets \DialogWord@ for man
   %% also
  \SIN@0\OtherSp@ @\Remainder@ @%% defines \Initialtoks@


 %%% Nibble@#1\endNibble@\endNibble@
  %% gives \Nibblet@ (first token of #1) and \Butt@ rest (or empty)
  %% If no token in #1 then \Butt@ is xequal \endNibble@
  %% Spaces are omitted for \Nibblet@; not for \Butt@



  %%% \Acc@Dialog@Option that is the question
      \ifnum \uc@cnt=\count@ \relax
        \SIN@0\EX@\relax\Cest@ @\EX@\relax\DialogWord@ @%
      \else %\show\DialogWord@
        \SIN@0\DialogWord@\relax @ n'es\relax n/es\relax @%

  %%% \AutoAccCalc@ : fn \acc@e and context
   %% gives \AutoAcc@ and \AltAcc@ 

  %%% \Acc@Dialog@Full : fn \AutoAcc@ and USER input give \ChosenAcc@
     \catcode"D=5\read16 to \YourChoice@\catcode"D=14
     %%must not break above line! 5=endline; 14=comment

     \SIN@0n@\YourChoice@  @%
     \ifIN@ %\message{** n IN**}%
       \let\ChosenAcc@=\AltAcc@ %\show\ChosenAcc@


     \SIN@0f@\YourChoice@ @%
     \ifIN@ %\message{** f IN**}%
     \SIN@0F@\YourChoice@ @%
     \ifIN@ %\message{** F IN**}%
         \def\DialogSubScreen@{\ms@g{ *** Taper <retour> pour confirmer;
                                     d'abord \space n \space sinon.}}

  %%% \Acc@Dialog@Nul : fn \AutoAcc@ and USER input give \ChosenAcc@
  \def \Acc@Dialog@Nul{\let\ChosenAcc@\AutoAcc@}

\def \LopLine@{%   \message{**LopLine@}%
  \SIN@0\acc@e @\Remainder@ @%
  \ifIN@ %\show\ifIN@ %\message{**IN}%
    \edef\Remainder@{\the\Remaindertoks@}% maybe need later
    \DangerTest@ %% result in ifDanger@
        %% Spacy , Danger splitting

  %%% New splitting of \BeforeAcc@e
  %% into abutting initial
  %% and terminal (no spaces)

  \def\DPrefixes@{ c d j l m n s t qu C D J L M N S T Qu QU }

    \FindLastSpace@ %% last space in \BeforeAcc@e
       %% Spacy, Dangerous : is splitting
    \SIN@0\Dangerous@ @\DPrefixes@ @%
    \ifx\Dangerous@\empty\Danger@false\fi%% correction
    %\else \LMargin@false
    \fi%% correction
    \ifDoubleSp@\Danger@false\fi%% correction
    \ifDanger@  %\message{ !!!!DANGER!!! }%
    \else%\message{ ***No Danger*** }%

 \def\AigAigFix@{%% Following for l''ecart ==> l/'ecart
     %% "not Dangerous" no dialog etc???
    \SIN@0'\relax @\Dangerous@\relax @%% Is ' at end??
      \edef\Dangerous@{\Flag@\the\Initialtoks@ /}%


    \Nibble@\Dangerous@ \endNibble@%\show\Nibblet@
    \SIN@0\Nibblet@ @\Parens@ @% 
       %% Does \Dangerous@ begin with one of `"([{??
    \ifIN@ % \message{ ***IN*** }


 \def\FindLastSpace@{%gives possibly degen splitting
     \SIN@0\OtherSp@ @\Dangerous@ @%
    \IgnorePD@test %% always gives false unless ignore option on
    %\ifDoubleSp@\message{ ***DoubleSp@*** }\fi

 %%%%% Syllable Counting macros


  %% Conserve count registers by local use.

 %%%% \PrepCounts@ 
 %%% Impose a suitable language
  %% Check for and call language \l@emailFR
     \ms@g{ !!! Pardon, le mode "automatique" est disponible seulement avec}%
     \ms@g{ !!! le language artificiel "emailFR" (fourni par email-fr.dmp).}%
 %%% Exotic convention /  hyphen character 
  %% (for display and to enable some hyphenation)
 %%% Exotic convention '?-  are letters for hyphenation
  \lccode`\'=`\' %
  \lccode`\?=`\? %
  \lccode`\-=`\- %
    %% prevents extraneous hyphenation at hyphen!
  \lccode 32=32 %% just in case
 %%% Clearly:
 %%% Horizontal changes
 %\pretolerance=100000 %% Alas no effect!
 %%% Vertical changes
 \topskip=0pt plus \vsize  
 %%% Output changes
 \maxdeadcycles=2000000000 %% two billion words at most!
 \csname output\endcsname{\global\setbox255=\box\voidb@x}%
 %%% use a standard font
  \font\ft=cmr10 \ft 

 %%%% Gen@Count: the main macro.
   %% will always be surrounded by grouping

 \def\endGen@@Count{%% defined \endGen@Count in time
  %  *** \Count@Mode\space= \the\TY@cnt\space\TY@Msg}%
  %\CountPause\CountPause %% gives pause
 %%% Some defaults
 \def\TY@Msg{(starting at input line \the\inputlineno) ***}%
                    \let\hsize\TY@hsize} %% uproot!
 \def\SetTY@everypar{\everypar\expandafter{\the\everypar\ }
    %% "\ " is glue allowing hyphenation of 1st word
    \let\everypar\TY@everypar %% uproot!

 %%% \SyllableCount: Simple!
      \Gen@Count} %% language variation OK!?
 %%%%% End Syllable Counting macros

 %%% \AutoAccCalc@Full  
  %% uses \QWord@
  %% will define \AutoAcc@ \AltAcc@ 
    \SyllableCount \QWord@ \endSyllableCount 

 %%% \AutoAccCalc@Nul  
  %% must define \AutoAcc@ \AltAcc@ 

 %%%%% The action!



 %%%% Documentation for email-fr.fix

 Apology to French readers:  This documentation is in English
to facilitate construction of similar programs for other languages.
However the user interface is in French.

 *** Motivation ***

    In typing French according to the email-fr rules, there
is one unfortunate change of standard typing habits that
one must cope with. An apostrophe followed by  e or  E  should
be typed as a slash  /  and not as  ' .  This is unambiguous
and visually acceptable --- at least more so than a
backslash in the middle of a word.  The problem is that few
typists are able to avoid reverting several times per page
to  '  for apostrophe, which may produce <eaccute> or
<Eaccute> in TeX.  One can, of course, correct the errors
after typesetting; however this is inefficient to the point
of nearly cancelling the time gain over Knuth's 
rather clumsy typing system.

      A portable but tiresome solution consists in 
searching for and examining all occurrences of 'e or 'E. 

      An effective but elitist solution is to use a good text
editor to search for the quadruple <space><letter>'<e or E>
and replace it where appropriate by /e (or /E).  As <letter>
is one of many   c d j l m n s t   (not counting
capitalisation and occurrences of  qu) it should be treated
as a wildcard or multiple choice; but only a sophisticated
text editor operated by a sophisticated user can do that.  

      Thus a portable and preferably automatic typing
correction tool should be made available to every  TeX user
wherever he may be.  It is provided by the present ".tex"
utility called  email-fr.fix  in conjunction with
email-fe.dmp.  Both are distributed with  email-fr.sty.  

      Alternative utilities to accomplish the same tasks
as email-fr.fix could be be based on on programmable word
processors such as  emacs  or on a spelling checker that has
the means to read email-fr typing.  However TeX has proved a
quite appropriate tool for this job because the tiresome part
is rather trivial for TeX's hyphenation mechanism. 
Clearly, no alternative could be quite so portable. 

 **** Use of email-fr.fix ****

      If you have many pages of typing to correct, you will want
a format containing the special language "emailFR", for only
with this language present is the action of  email-fr.fix
essentially automatic --- use default or the the "a" option. 
For just a few pages of typing, the "d" or "dialog mode" of
operation is adequate on its own without language "emailFR".
      Any French format built with the mechanism "format-dumper" in
1994 or later will contain the (tiny) language emailFR (the master
posting of format-dumper is on matups.matups.fr in 1993-1994).  If
your format does not have this language, you can quickly build one
that does with the help of email-fr.dmp and initex.  Note that the
format for email-fr.fix need not be the one that composes your ".tex"
      Here is how to start using  email-fr.fix. Save your email-fr 
typescript under the name  corr.in  along side of email-fr.fix. Then
"compose"  email-fr.fix  (not  corr.in!)  under a TeX format
containing (if possible) the language emailFR. Do so just as though
email-fr.fix  were a typescript.  Instructions are given
interactively. Ultimately the corrected typescript will apear in
corr.out along side of corr.in.
     The full gammut of options is only offered only if a default choice
has been declined. 
     Each option is commanded  by a one-letter key; one types any
(unordered) subset of the keys listed  below and then hits return. 
For example :
          ad <Carriage Return>
commands "Automatic" and "Dialog"; this is the default choice. 

 m --- Margin space :  add a space at the beginning of every line
that does not already begin with one.  Lines that do not begin
with a space are occasionally subject to corruption 
in the email network.
 f --- Flag All:  always insert a "flag"  \XXXX  before the spot
where where a possible error is detected. (Compare  d.)  If you
wish to examine absolutely every change introduced (or even
contemplated) by email-fr.fix this is the one and only way to do
it.  The dialog option below will reveal only changes that risk
being wrong.

 i --- Space ignore : ignore potential errors that are preceeded
by at least three spaces.
 p --- Space protect : "protect" all errors corrected  
by inserting three preceeding spaces in the output.
 a --- Automatic mode : use the hyphenation patterns of the
special language emailFR to make (or propose) corrections.  Here
lies the power of email-fr.fix --- use it!  An asterisk is printed
to the screen each time a significant automatic decision is made.

 '' --- leave  l''etat (etc.) as is.  By default, there is
otherwise an automatic conversion to l/'etat (etc.), which seems
noticeably mode readable to me.
 d --- Dialog mode :  In this mode of action the user is 
asked to choose between  /  and  '  whenever  email-fr.fix
cannot decide.  Let us spell out what this means.

    In case Smart mode is on at the same time, dialog is rare : it
is skipped as unnecessary, unless a capital letter begins the
possible error.  In this case a proper name with non-French
spelling may be involved and so dialog serves a purpose. The
program proposes for the user's approval a correction by the
automatic mechanism.  
   In case Smart mode is off, dialog always occurs and it just
proposes what was found in corr.in.  
   In either case, the user has several choices
    <Carriage Return>  to  approve the dialog proposal
The other choices are provided by preceeding the <Carriage Return>
with one or more of the following letters in any order:
    n     to decide the opposite of the proposal
    f     to flag this possible error in the output
    F     to impose f for all remaining dialogs
A flag may be vital to permit later correction of a nonstandard
error that you spot.
 ****** Leftovers and Extensions ****** 

 1)   n<eaccute>s   and   n<apostrophe>es   are both legitimate
in French.  This is one of the extremely rare occasions 
when the change 

       <eaccute>  <--->  <apostrophe>e

preserves French.  It is treated as an exception,
via dialog if possible.

 2)  Remember that one can suppress all action  of
email-fr.fix at a given spot by insertion of three or more
preceeding spaces, and then always using the "p" option above.
For example the sentence of documentation:

    Pour 'eviter l/erreur  : `` Freud et   l'ego''

would be left intact --- as we clearly want.
     When it is not possible to protect in this way, insertion
of {}  (although visually disturbing) should do the job ---
indeed without calling on  the "p" option:

    Pour 'eviter l/erreur  : Freud et ``{}l'ego''

 3)  Some  'e  occurring in mathematics may be wrongly converted
into /e  by  email-fr.fix.  This is statistically extremely
rare. Furthermore,  email-fr.sty (not .fix!) has been
programmed to stop and warn the reader whenever it meets /e in
math mode. (The user is then asked to insert a space to prevent
recurrence of the confusion.) Thus, such rare errors will be
mechanically caught before they get into print.

 4)  The case of  'E  in place of  'e  is not treated by
email-fr.fix although it could be.  The reason is that such
problems are rare and in any case risk involving a proper name.
Direct search for  'E  seems a perfectly adequate correction
procedure.  For example

     La vie d'Egas, architecte espagnol, 1455-1534.

would be maintained by  email-fr.fix  *if* e and E were treated alike,
whereas only d/Egas is correct.  The matter is complicated by
frequent omission of accents on capitals.

 5)  Proper names especially those of non-French origin, will
be a small but inexhaustible source of failure of the
automatic choices offered by email-fr.fix. For example,
email-fr.fix changes

    l'ego    ==>   l/ego

But what of the  S'ego  lily of the American Indians (which
would surely have an accute accent in Cajun French of
Louisiana). As first  based on existing French dictionaries,
email-fr.fix wrongly proposed S/ego, and the user had to
respond by switching back to S'ego.  Progressively such
exceptions (and others below) are handled by
augmenting the tables in email-fr.dmp.  Thus, dialog may
gradually become superfluous.

 6)  Bits of English used in French (often illigimately) will
also be an inexhaustable supply of exceptions. Computer science
is a big contributor because the spelling of English is usually
retained and lower case is usual.  Here here sample patterns from
email-fr.dmp that handle such exceptions:

        ?3email  ?3emacs 

Here ? stands for a  '  that may or may not become a  /.

NB.  Users are kindly requested to report exceptions as well as
true bugs.

Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@matups.matups.fr>

 **** Appendix :

 A test file:  corr.in

 ``c'est bon''    

 "c'est bon"    

 (c'est bon)    

 [c'est bon]    

 {{}c'est bon}    

Donc, tu n'es pas n'e hier; et vous autres 
vous n'^etes pas n'es hier non plus.

 corr.out :

 ``c/est bon''

 "c/est bon"

 (c/est bon)

 [c/est bon]

 {{}c'est bon}

Donc, tu n/es pas n'e hier; et vous autres
vous n'^etes pas n'es hier non plus.