These notes are a running commentary on important points in
the Office of Graduate Studies Style Manual.  Get it, open it,
and read along in that and in this file.

  OGS-SM: Office of Graduate Studies Style Manual
  OGS:    Office of Graduate Studies verbal confirmation

We begin on page 7 of the OGS-SM:

The current OGS-SM says that the copyright notice, if used, 
should look like this:
   Copyright (c) Full Name Year
on pages 7 and 13.  However, on page 25, the example shows
   Copyright (c) Year by Full Name
According to OGS, either is fine; gatech-thesis uses the latter

The OGS-SM only lists the following approved fonts (and sizes):
  Arial (11) -- N/A on most TeX systems
  Courier (11 or 12) -- available, but Why?
  Century Gothic (11 or 12) -- N/A
  Geneva (11) -- N/A
  Helvetica (11 or 12) -- available, but poor math support
  Times (12) -- available (use mathptmx or txfonts)
But the OGS-SM doesn't mention Computer Modern, which is the
default font for TeX, and which has the best math support.

OGS has confirmed that Computer Modern, 11 or 12 point, is
acceptable.  (In TeX, unless you want to pay for proprietary
fonts, your only other realistic choice of a font with decent
support for mathematical symbles is Times, using the mathptmx
package.  See julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty for more

By default, the GATECH-THESIS class uses the "new" margin 
specification (1" on top, right, and bottom, 1.5" on left,
major headings just inside that 1" top margin).  To use the
"old" margins (1" on bottom and right, 1.5" on left and top,
except that pages with major headings have a 2" top margin),
call gatech-thesis with the 'oldmargins' option:
But this is not recommended.  Use the default, "new" margins.

Line spacing is double throughout, except where the OGS-SM 
specifically says that it should be single (captions, within
bibliography entries, etc).  Don't change this.

Page Numbers
The 'plain' pagestyle, which is used by GATECH-THESIS by 
default, places the page numbers at the center within the
bottom margin, 0.5" from the bottom of the page.  This is the
OGS-SM specification.  For official copies, this should not
be changed.

For personal copies ONLY:
  You can use the 'tcplain' pagestyle which puts the page 
numbers at the upper right corner (upper outside corner for 
twosided printouts[*]).  
  You can also try the 'gtthesis' pagestyle, which for 
onesided printouts puts the pagenumber at the upper right, 
and the chapter title in the upper left (for twosided, 
the pagenumber is on the outside upper corner; the chapter 
title is on the upper inside corner of right-hand pages, and
the section title is on the upper inside corner of left-hand 
pages).  See the julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty file
for an example of how to do this.

[*] 'twosided' doesn't simply mean that you happen to print
on a duplex printer.  It means that you invoke GATECH-THESIS
with the 'twoside' option:
Don't do this except for personal copies (it's the default
in draft mode -- which are personal by definition).

Nothing special here; use standard LaTeX tools (\footnote,
\endnote) to do this.

Preliminary Pages
The frontmatter pages will automatically obey the proper margin 
guidelines (especially the topmargin) depending on whether you 
use the default (1") margins, or choose the "old" margins (2" on
major heading pages, like titlepage, etc).

Title Page
Counts as page i, but not marked.  Commands which can mmodify 
the appearance:

\titlepagefalse  (\titlepagetrue is the default)
  Don't print a title page

  See the Margins section above.

Volume I Title page
If your thesis spans multiple volumes, then you should invoke the
\multivolumetrue command within your preamble.  This will cause
GATECH-THESIS to automatically generate the Volume I title page
(which is separate from the "real" title page) immediately after
the real title page.
  Volume title pages are not numbered, and *do not count* in the
page number sequence.  So, oddly, you will have
    titlepage           i
	 volume title page   -
	 approval page      ii
Just go with it; this weird behavior has been confirmed by OGS
(even though it isn't all that clear in the OGS-SM)

Commands which modiry the appearance:

\multipagetrue  (\multipagefalse is the default)
  Print it.

  See the Margins section above.

Approval page
Also known as the signature page, this is generated by default.
To suppress, invoke the \signaturepagefalse command.  The 
signature lines will be generated (in order) for each one of 
the following commands that have been invoked (uninvoked ones
will be skipped):
  \principaladvisor{a name}
  \committeechair{a name}
  \firstreader{a name}
  \secondreader{a name}
  \thirdreader{a name}
  \fourthreader{a name}
  \fifthreader{a name}
  \sixthreader{a name}
You don't need to invoke them all; just the ones you need.  
The \principaladvisor and \committechair ones are special; 
in addition to the names, the titles ("Committee Chair", 
"Advisor") are also printed.
  If there are less than five signatures to be printed, then
the signature lines will be in a single column.  If there are
more than five, then the signatures will be typeset in two
columns, as per the OGS-SM.  This page is number ii, but the
page number is not printed (per OGS-SM).

Commands which can modify the appearance:

\signaturepagefalse  (default is \signaturepagetrue)
  suppress printing a signature page

Dedication page
   ... dedication text ...

Text on this page will be automatically centered vertically, per
the OGS-SM.  However, that looks unbalanced; for personal copies
you may wish to override the following two commands as follows:
This positions the text at about 1/4 of the way down the page,
which looks better in my opinion.  But ONLY do this for personal
  Also, if you invoke the \dedicationheadingtrue command in your
preamble, then the dedication page will have a big "DEDICATION"
heading on it.  Don't do this; it is only provided for backward-
compatibility with the (very) old gtthesis.sty -- and this 
ugliness was required by the old OGS-SM (but no longer).

Commands which can modify the appearance:

\dedicationheadingtrue   (default is \dedicationheadingfalse)
  print a big "DEDICATION" title at the top of the page  

Acknowledgements page
  ... acknowledgements text ...

nothing special here

About the next several sections (the 'Lists'): If you are using
the hyperref package, you MUST use hyperref's breaklinks option.
If you do not, and there is a section title or figure caption 
that spans multiple lines, hyperref will prevent it from breaking
at the margin (it will stay all on one line, and go off the page).
  \usepackage[breaklinks,<other options>]{hyperref}
See julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty for a good way
to handle this.

Table of Contents

In general, this should "just work".  By invoking the \contents
command somewhere within the preliminary environment in your
document, GATECH-THESIS will automatically create a Table of
Contents (and List of Figures and List of Tables[*]) that matches 
the requirements of the OGS-SM.  Specifically, that means
  1) Chapter titles, sections, subsections, and subsubsections
     are listed (the OGS-SM requires at least chapters, sections,
     and subsections)
  2) Each entry is singlespaced within, but doublespaced between

[*] assuming the \tablespagefalse, \figurespagefalse commands were 
    not invoked.

However, there are ways to customize the look of the TOC (but don't
use them in official copies...)

  don't print the TOC at all (bad idea...)

  inserts an entry into the TOC that says ``CHAPTERS''.  Obviously,
  you should invoke this just before you begin chapter 1. However, 
  there's a slight glitch due to a bug in LaTeX: see 
  julesverne/bellswhistles/hack-part.tex for more info.

  inserts an entry into the TOC that says ``APPENDICES''. Obviously,
  you should invoke this just before you begin the first appendix
  (before or after the '\appendix' command; it doesn't matter).
  However, there's a slight glitch due to a bug in LaTeX: see
  julesverne/bellswhistles/hack-part.tex for more info.

\settocstring{a string}
  change the name used for the Table of Contents (def: 'Table of Contents')

\setchaptertocdepth{a number}
  set how ``deep'' to number within chapters in the table of contents. 
  This defaults to '2', which means chapters, sections, and subsections,
  You may wish to set this to '3' (thus adding subsubsections) -- but 
  don't use '0' or '1' because the OGS-SM requires that chapters,
  sections, and subsections are listed in the TOC.

\setappendixtocdepth{a number}
  set how ``deep'' to number within appendices (chapter{}''s after 
  the \appendix command) in the table of contents.  This defaults
  to '0', which means list the Appendices themselves alone, with
  no sections.  This is the OGS-SM default; but you may list smaller
  divisions as well by setting this to 1, 2, or 3.

  temporarily change how "deep" to number in the table of 
  contents for current chapter/section.  For example, you
  usually include \subsection{}''s in the TOC (\setchaptertocdepth{2})
  but in chapter 5 you want to include subsubsections as well:
  \chapter{This is Chapter 5}\settocdepth{3}.  In chapter 6 the
  default depth of 2 is reasserted.  Change the overall defaults using
  the above two commands instead.

  If \multivolumetrue is invoked in the preamble, then the very first
  item in the TOC is the phrase "Volume I" centered (with no page number)
  It is only inserted to show where the volume divisions are, but since
  the volume title pages have no number, then neither do the volume
  labels in the TOC.  Also, another "Volume II" label (III, IV, ...)
  is inserted into the TOC each time \part{} is invoked.  But,
  see julesverne/bellswhistles/hack-part.tex for information about
  working around a LaTeX bug.
    This particular bit of magic is not discussed at all in the OGS-SM,
  but OGS has seen and approved the results.

List of Tables

In general, this should "just work".  By invoking the \contents
command somewhere within the preliminary environment in your
document, GATECH-THESIS will automatically create a List of
Tables (and List of Figures and Table of Contents[*]) that matches 
the requirements of the OGS-SM.  Specifically, that means
  1) Each entry is singlespaced within, but doublespaced between
  2) OGS-SM requires that the entries in the List of Tables exactly
     match the captions at each table.  This means you should not
     use the `\caption[short caption]{long caption}' construction;
     just use `\caption{the caption}'.

[*] assuming the \contentspagefalse, \figurepagesfalse commands were 
    not invoked.

However, there are ways to customize the look of the LOT (but don't
use them in official copies...)

  change the name used for the List of Tables (def: 'List of Tables')

List of Figures 

In general, this should "just work".  By invoking the \contents
command somewhere within the preliminary environment in your
document, GATECH-THESIS will automatically create a List of
Figures (and List of Tables and Table of Contents[*]) that matches 
the requirements of the OGS-SM.  Specifically, that means
  1) Each entry is singlespaced within, but doublespaced between
  2) OGS-SM requires that the entries in the List of Figures exactly
     match the captions at each table.  This means you should not
     use the `\caption[short caption]{long caption}' construction;
     just use `\caption{the caption}'.

[*] assuming the \contentspagefalse, \tablespagefalse commands were 
    not invoked.

However, there are ways to customize the look of the LOF (but don't
use them in official copies...)

  change the name used for the List of Figures (def: 'List of Figures')

List of Symbols or Abbreviations

This is not generated by default, since it isn't widely used (but
every thesis has tables and figures).  Also, the implementation
provided requires additional packages that are not included with
this distribution.

To generate a List of Symbols or Abbreviations (LOSA), you simply
do the following in your preamble:
   \losafiles{<database file, sans .bib suffix>}
gatech-thesis-losa.sty depends on and automatically loads the
gloss.sty package -- but you need to insure that gloss.sty is
installed in your TeX system.

By doing this, the LOSA will be automatically generated and included 
in the frontmatter, just after the LOF -- and it will be added to the
TOC.  Of course, you need actual *entries* in the symbols database 
file -- which must end in .bib; see the gloss.sty documentation 
for the appropriate format.  You also need actual citations to those 
entries within your bodytext, like this:
Note that \losa{<key>} typesets the <word> from the <key> entry of 
the losafile within the text, so there''s no need to do this:
   (BAD) word\losa{key-for-word}
Again, you should read the gloss.sty documentation for more info, but 
basically gatech-thesis-losa.sty makes it simple:
    1. insert the two commands above into your preamble
    2. create a database with your glossary definitions
    3. sprinkle \losa{} citations in your text
    4. run ``bibtex'' on the <rootfile>.losa.aux file created
       after the first ``latex'' run.  (But don''t include the
       .aux extension.  So say ``bibtex <rootfile>.losa''  You
       can do this at the same time you run ``bibtex'' for your
    5. run ``latex'' twice more

To customize the List of Symbols or Abbreviations, you can use the
following commands

\setlosastring{a string}
  change the name used for the List of Symbols or Abbreviations 
  (def: 'List of Symbols or Abbreviations')

\setlength{\losahang}{a dimension}
  The GSO prefers that the symbol descriptions are rigidly 
  separated from the symbols themselves.  Sometimes, if you have 
  very long symbols/abbreviations, you may need to make 
  \losahang bigger than its default value of 2cm, by using a
  command similar to the following, within your document preamble: 


This is not generated by default, since it isn't widely used (but
every thesis has tables and figures).  Also, the implementation
provided requires additional packages that are not included with
this distribution.  Finally, the current OGS-SM doesn't say 
anything about a Glossary or List of Nomenclature, so we're
on our own, here.  However, the old OGS-SM did mention it, briefly. 

To generate a Glossary or List of Nomenclature, you simply
do the following in your preamble:
   \glossfiles{<database file, sans .bib suffix>}
gatech-thesis-gloss.sty depends on and automatically loads the
gloss.sty package -- but you need to insure that gloss.sty is
installed in your TeX system.

By doing this, the glossary will be automatically generated and 
included  in the frontmatter, just after the LOF (or LOSA, if you
have it) -- and it will be added to the TOC.  Of course, you need 
actual *entries* in the glossary database file -- which must end 
in .bib; see the gloss.sty documentation for the appropriate format.
You also need actual citations to those entries within your 
bodytext, like this:
Note that \gloss{<key>} typesets the <word> from the <key> entry of 
the glossfile within the text, so there''s no need to do this:
  (BAD) word\gloss{keyforword}
Read the gloss.sty documentation for more info, but basically 
gatech-thesis-gloss.sty makes it simple:
   1. insert the two commands above into your preamble
   2. create a glossfile with your glossary definitions
   3. sprinkle \gloss{} citations in your text
   4. run ``bibtex'' on the <rootfile>.gls.aux file created
      after the first ``latex'' run.  (But don''t include the
      .aux extension.  So say ``bibtex <rootfile>.gls''  You
      can do this at the same time you run ``bibtex'' for your
   5. run ``latex'' twice more

To customize the Glossary or List of Nomenclature, you can use the
following commands

\setglossstring{a string}
  change the name used for the List of Symbols or Abbreviations 
  (def: 'List of Symbols or Abbreviations')

\setlength{\glosshang}{a dimension}
  Unlike the \losahang comment above, it doesn't make sense to 
rigidly separate the description from the glossary terms; the
glossary terms are usually too long for this to be aesthetic. 
However, this has NOT been confirmed by OGS.  If you use a
glossary, be sure to confirm that the current behavior is okay.
If not, then you can use \setlength{\glosshang}{a dimension}
to fix it.

  ... summary text ...

Nothing special to say here

Other frontmatter

Before we leave the "Preliminary pages" section (pg. 15 of the OGS-SM),
there are a few additional environments that are provided by 
the GATECH-THESIS class, but are not discussed in the OGS-SM:

The entire "frontmatter" section should be enclosed within the 
"preliminary" environment, like this:

  \begin{dedication} dedication text \end{dedication}
  ... etc ...
  \begin{summary} summary text \end{summary}
... chapters ...

  ... preface text ...

The (current) OGS-SM doesn't mention a preface, but if used it 
should go after the dedication.  The old OGS-SM did mention it.

  ... forward text ...

The (current) OGS-SM doesn't mention a preface, but if used it 
should go after the dedication.  The old OGS-SM did mention it.

There is no 'Forward' envronment; you can use the \prefacesection
command to create any frontmatter section you like, as follows:
  \prefacesection{title of the section}{section text}

Text Pages
\chapter{chapter title}
chapter text ...
\chapter{the next chapter title}
chapter text ...

\chapter{appendix title}
appendix text ...
\chapter{the next appendix title}
appendix text ...

Section Heading Formats
The new OGS-SM no longer specifies what the section, 
subsection, or subsubsection headings should look like; according
to OGS, they don't really care: as long as it looks professional
and you are consistent.  I chose to define these as follows:

Sections:       Large, Bold, Italic, Flush left
SubSections:    Bold, Flush left
SubSubSections: Italic, indented

If you wish to override and define your own formats, you can 
either \renewcommand{\section}{ ... } (see any good LaTeX book), 
or \usepackage{titlesec}.  I recommend the latter.  Actually, 
I recommend leaving it alone; concentrate on writing your 
dissertation and don't get distracted by messing around with

You can use a number of special environments for specific 
purposes.  The first two are useful; avoid the other four.

  Single-spaced version of the ``quote'' environment.
  Single-spaced version of the ``quotation'' environment.
  Format single-spaced paragraphs.
  Format 1 1/2-spaced paragraphs.
  Format double-spaced paragraphs.
  Format paragraphs with an interline spacing of ``n''.

Reference Material
Nothing really special to say here.

See the 'Text Pages' section above, as well as the 'Table of
Contents' discussion above.

\bibfiles{a .bib database}%        in the preamble
\bibliographystyle{gatech-thesis}% just after \begin{document}
\references%                       somewhere in the postliminary env.

Within the \postliminary environment, execute the \references
command to generate an OGS-SM compliant bibliography.  The
gatech-thesis.bst style is:

   numeric labels, sorted, IEEE abbreviations (vol. not volume,
   no. not number, authors' first names abbreviated), quotes 
   around article titles, commas separate all fields except after 
   book titles and before "notes".  Authors names typeset
   in small caps, surname first.

This has been approved by OGS.  You may also use the 'plain'
bibliography style (\bibliographystyle{plain}), if you wish.

  ... vita text ...

This should be the very last page of your disseration, and should come
immediately before \end{postliminary}\end{document}.


This is not generated by default, since it isn't widely used (but
every thesis has tables and figures).  Also, the implementation
provided requires additional packages that are not included with
this distribution.  Finally, the current OGS-SM doesn't say
anything about an index; neither did the old OGS-SM.

To generate an index, do the following in your preamble:
and execute
somewhere in the postliminary environment of your thesis. 
Remember, VITA should be last, so \gtindex must precede it.

gatech-thesis-index.sty depends on and automatically loads the
index.sty package and the multicol.sty package -- but you need 
to insure that index.sty and multicol.sty are installed in your 
TeX system (index.sty is included in the `camel' package on 
MikTeX and CTAN).

By doing this, the index will be automatically generated and 
included in the TOC.  Of course, you need actual *index references*
within your document, like this:
Read the index.sty documentation for more info, but basically 
gatech-thesis-index.sty makes it simple:
   1. insert the \usepackage and \gtindex commands into your document
   2. sprinkle \index{} citations in your text
   3. run ``makeindex'' on the <rootfile>.idx file created
      after the first ``latex'' run, like this:
        makeindex -s <rootfile>.idx
      This will create <rootfile>.ind (the
      file is a format specification for the index).  If you want
      to customize the index format, copy to
      ``'' and change the copy.  Use ``-s'' 
      instead of
         You can run the makeindex command at the same time you run `
      `bibtex'' for your references and/or glossary.
   4. run ``latex'' twice more (the same ``twice more'' needed for
      bibtex and gatech-thesis-gloss.sty)

To customize the Index, you can use the following commands

\setindexstring{a string}
  change the name used for the Index (def: 'Index')

Tables and Figures
Some useful packages you might want to investigate include
  subfigure -- place multiple figures within a single 'figure'
  floatingfigure -- for figures that do not take up the full
       width of the page, you may issue this command between
		 paragraphs, and the next paragraph will be typeset
		 next to the narrow figure.  OGS does accept this sort
       of thing, but...
  wrapfig -- ditto, but with a difference: you may issue this
       command inside a paragraph, but LaTeX will NOT optimize
       the figure's position -- which might lead to extra
       whitespace, mostly empty pages, etc.  Recommend against.
  longtable -- for tables that extend beyond a single page (don't
       use the supertab package, it can't handle secondary caption

  The OGS-SM requires that Table captions be placed before the
  caption, and Figure captions be placed after the figure.  You can
  only do this manually; it can't be automatted.  To create a 
  table, do this:

    \caption{the caption}
    \label{the label}% must come after the caption
  For a figure, do this:

      \includegraphics[some options]{a graphics file}
    \caption{the caption}
    \label{the label}% must come after the caption

  Notice that the \caption{} command comes before the actual
  tabular in the table, but comes after the includegraphics in the
  figure.  This is the only way to insure that the captions go where
  the OGS-SM requires.

  The caption format is (by default) 'Figure X: caption-text', and
  the 'Figure X:' part is typeset in bold, while the caption-text 
  is typeset in 'normal weight' like the rest of the body text.  
  To change this, use the caption2 package (note that 
  will result in captions that are identical to the GATECH-THESIS 
  default).  But for an official GT thesis, you want the default; 
  for personal copies, I like using san-serif bold like so: 
    (DON'T DO THIS) \usepackage[sf,bf]{caption2}

LaTeX usually does a fairly decent job of obeying rational placement
rules for 'floats' (e.g. tables and figures).  If you need to force
a float to a specific location (note that using the 'h' option for
the figure/table environments does not do what you think it does; nor
does using the '!' option), 
try the following:
  \restylefloat{figure}% or table
  \begin{figure}[H]% <<< note the 'H' for 'Here'
However, this can really get you into trouble: the H'ed figure
could get placed before a non-H'ed one, even if it follows the 
non-H'ed figure in the document source.  This will cause, for 
example, Figure 4 to be on a page before Figure 3!

To work around this, you could *additionally* 
and use
But THAT can lead to pages will very little text, and lots of
empty white space -- which itself is a violation of the OGS-SM.

Think about it.  Do you REALLY care if a figure is 2 or 3 pages
away from the text that references it?  You're writing a 100+
page document...messing with float placement is usually more 
trouble than it is worth.  Don't.

For more information, see section 6.2 in the LaTeX companion.

If you need to turn a figure or table on its side (landscape),
use the 'rotating' package.

LaTeX will handle the Figure # and Table # sequences for you.

For tables that will extend over more than one page, use the 
'longtable' package.  To follow the OGS-SM requirement that 
subsequent pages of the same page also have captions, and that 
these captions say only
   Table XX (cont'd)
you must pay careful attention when constructing the table (and
the longtable environment is different from the table environment
plus a tabular).  However, the best we can do -- without massive
TeX code, is that subsequent captions are
   Table XX: (cont'd)
(the ':' is not in the original requirements).  However, to even
get this far, you must do something like this:

  \caption{the `real' caption}
  \\ \hline
  Column A & Column B & Column C \\ \hline
  \endfirsthead% the preceding will be invoked ONLY at the
  %              beginning of the table
  \caption[]{(cont'd)}% <<<<< This is the magic caption
  \\ \hline
  column a & column b & column c \\ %\hline -- not necessary
  %                                 longtable takes care of it for us.
  \endhead%      the preceding will be invoked at the top
  %              of every page except the first one
  % now we do the data...
  1 & 2 & 3 \\ \hline
  4 & 5 & 6 \\ \hline

The 'magic' caption[]{(cont'd)} statement within the header section
means that every page (except the first) will get that caption -- 
but since it has an empty optional argument, the '(con't)' will
NOT get listed in the LOT, and the table counter will not be 
incremented.  Which is what we want.

Note that longtables are not floating; they will go exactly where
you put them.  (There is no need for a longtable to float; it is 
able to break at the pagebreak and continue on the next page).  
However, don't use longtable for everything tabular; a 4-line 
table will look really silly broken across two pages.  

You can also play games with 'continued on next page' and
'continued from previous page' within the table itself, by
using \endfoot and \endlastfoot commands and the multicolumn
command.  See the longtable documentation, and Chapter 5 of the
LaTeX Companion.

Citations of Tables and Figures
The OGS-SM states that you should always reference figures as 
'Figure 10' and tables as 'Table 4'.  However, you don't want
a linebreak (or worse, a page break) to occur betwen 'Table' and
'4'; further, you don't want TeX to hyphenate 'Fig'-'ure'.  So, 
in LaTeX, this means if you have a figure with the label 
{myfigure} and a table with the label {mytable}, you should 
cite them as:


It's probably a good idea to simply define new commands in your


because sooner or later, you WILL forget to type all that extra
junk.  Just define the new commands as you like, and then do


and be done.  Note that these commands are NOT provided by
GATECH-THESIS; not being strictly necessary, I don't want to
cramp any potential users' style by forcing my way.  However,
see the julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty file...

Multivolume Theses or Dissertations

This was already covered in the Table of Contents section, 
above.  One note, however: don't attempt to "name" your volumes.
That is, use \part{}, not \part{Title of Volume II}

GATECH-THESIS will handle it if you do name your volumes -- but
the OGS-SM doesn't allow it, and there is no way short of 
redefining the entire 'preliminary' environment to give Volume I
a name.