Package: gtk-doc Version: 1.2 Revision: 13 BuildDepends: libxml2 (>= 2.6.0-1), libxslt (>= 1.1.0-1) Depends: libxml2-bin (>= 2.6.0-1), libxslt-shlibs (>= 1.1.0-1), openjade (>= 1.3.2-25), docbook-dtd (>= 4.2.0-2), docbook-xsl (>= 1.62.4-2), docbook-dsssl-nwalsh (>= 1.78-2) Source: mirror:gnome:sources/%n/%v/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 7776ad690ca6baaaf071c83b51d2a234 ConfigureParams: --with-xml-catalog=%p/etc/xml/catalog InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%n/doc install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%n/examples install -c -m 644 doc/* %i/share/doc/%n/doc/ install -c -m 644 examples/* %i/share/doc/%n/examples/ << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README Description: GTK+ - API documentation generator DescDetail: << gtk-doc is a set of perl scripts that generate API reference documention in DocBook format. It can extract documentation from source code comments in a manner similar to java-doc. It is used to generate the documentation for GLib, Gtk+, and GNOME. << License: GPL Maintainer: None DescPackaging: << Originally packaged by Masanori Sekino. << Homepage: