Package: sdcc Version: 2002.09.23 Revision: 1 Description: 8051 and other small device cross-compiler # # The most recent release of sdcc requires too many patches # to run on OS X. The CVS version runs fine, but fink has # no mechanism for downloading from a CVS repository. To # deal with this problem I've grabbed a copy of the CVS # source and placed this tar image on the download page. # #Source: #Source: Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/%f.tar.gz SourceDirectory: sdcc License: GPL DocFiles: COPYING README # # sed distributed with OS X breaks configure scripts # BuildDepends: sed SetCC: gcc3 SetCXX: g++3 Patch: %f.patch DescPort: << Minor changes to reflect Fink directory layout and gcc-3.x options. If you want to modify the printable documentation you need lyx, latex, etc. << Homepage: Maintainer: Eric Norum Source-MD5: c1c09c812a85c9272adc02d14bf1afec