Package: soap-lite-ssl-pm version: 0.55 Revision: 1 ### Depends: libwww-pm, crypt-ssleay-pm, mime-lite-pm, mime-tools-pm, compress-zlib-pm, xml-parser-pm, mime-base64-pm, uri-pm, getopt-long-pm, libnet-pm, io-socket-ssl-pm Conflicts: soap-lite-pm Replaces: soap-lite-pm ### Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/K/KU/KULCHENKO/SOAP-Lite-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 77618ef6822aa10eaa8770cc20f0d794 ### Patch: %f.patch ### Type: perl UpdatePOD: true ### DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST README* ### Description: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) modules DescDetail: << SOAP::Lite for Perl is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and lightweight interface to the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) both on client and server side. To learn about SOAP, go to for more information. This version of SOAP::Lite supports a subset of the SOAP 1.1 specification and has initial support for SOAP 1.2 specification. See for details. FEATURES - Supports SOAP 1.1 spec. - Interoperability tests with different implementations: Apache SOAP, Frontier, Microsoft SOAP, Microsoft .NET, DevelopMentor, XMethods, 4s4c, Phalanx, Kafka, SQLData, Lucin (in Java, Perl, C++, Python, VB, COM, XSLT). - Provides COM interface. Single dll (standalone [2.5MB] or minimal [32kB]). Works on Windows 9x/Me/NT/2K. Doesn't require ROPE or MSXML. Examples in VB, Excel/VBA, C#, ASP, JavaScript, PerlScript and Perl. - Provides transparent compression support for HTTP transport. - Provides mod_soap module. Make SOAP server with a few lines in .htaccess or .conf file. - Includes XML::Parser::Lite (regexp-based XML parser) which runs instead of XML::Parser where Perl 5.6 runs (even on WinCE) with some limitations. - Includes XMLRPC::Lite, implementation of XML-RPC protocol on client and server side. All transports and features of SOAP::Lite are available. - Supports multipart/form-data MIME attachments. - Supports circular linked lists and multiple references. - Supports Map datatype (encoding of maps/hashes with arbitrary keys). - Supports HTTPS protocol. - Provides proxy support. - Provides CGI/daemon/mod_perl/Apache::Registry server implementations. - Provides TCP server implementation. - Provides IO (STDIN/STDOUT/File) server implementation. - Provides FTP client implementation. - Supports single/multipart MIME attachment (parsing side only). - Supports SMTP protocol. - Provides POP3 server implementation. - Supports M-POST and redirects in HTTP transport. - Supports Basic/Digest server authentication. - Works with CGI accelerators, like VelociGen and PerlEx. - Supports UDDI interface on client side. See UDDI::Lite for details. - Supports UDDI publishing API. Examples and documentation provided. - Supports WSDL schema with stub and run-time access. - Supports blessed object references. - Supports arrays (both serialization and deserialization with autotyping). - Supports custom serialization. - Provides exception transport with custom exceptions - Supports Base64 encoding. - Supports XML entity encoding. - Supports header attributes. - Supports dynamic and static class/method binding. - Supports objects-by-reference with simple garbage collection and activation. - Provides shell for interactive SOAP sessions. - Supports out parameters binding. - Supports transparent SOAP calls with autodispatch feature. - Provides easy services deployment. Put module in specified directory and it'll be accessible. - Has tests, examples and documentation to let you be up and running in no time. << ### License: Artistic Maintainer: None Homepage: