Package: xmlsec Version: 1.1.1 Revision: 1 ### Source: Source-MD5: 51bae934e0596e300246a8dd0e7b287a Depends: libiconv, libxml2-shlibs, libxslt-shlibs, openssl097-shlibs, %N-shlibs BuildDepends: openssl097-dev, libxml2, libiconv-dev, libxslt ### ### DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog Copyright INSTALL.txt NEWS README ### ConfigureParams: --prefix=%p --enable-aes --with-openssl=%p --with-libxml=%p --with-libxslt=%p --with-pic PatchScript: << mv INSTALL INSTALL.txt << CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << SplitOff: << Package: xmlsec-shlibs Files: << lib/libxmlsec*.dylib << Shlibs: << %p/lib/libxmlsec1.1.0.4.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 1.0.4-1) %p/lib/libxmlsec1-openssl.1.0.4.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 1.0.4-1) << Description: xmlsec shared libraries.. DescDetail: << Shared libraries needed to run and link against the xmlsec framework. << DocFiles: << AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog Copyright INSTALL.txt NEWS README << << Splitoff2: << Package: xmlsec-bin Depends: xmlsec-shlibs Files: << bin/xmlsec1 bin/xmlsec1-config << Description: xmlsec binary and config program for devels. DescDetail: << NOTE: You NEED to also install this package when you wish to develop with xmlsec. The provided xmlsec1-config is needed. << DocFiles: << AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog Copyright INSTALL.txt NEWS README << << Splitoff3: << Package: xmlsec-dev Files: << include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/base64.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/buffer.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/crypto.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/errors.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/exports.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/io.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/keyinfo.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/keys.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/keysdata.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/keysmngr.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/list.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/membuf.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/nodeset.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/parser.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/strings.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/templates.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/transforms.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/version.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/xkms.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/xmldsig.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/xmlenc.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/xmlsec.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/xmltree.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/openssl/app.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/openssl/bn.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/openssl/crypto.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/openssl/evp.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/openssl/symbols.h include/xmlsec1/xmlsec/openssl/x509.h << Description: xmlsec development headers. Depends: xmlsec-bin DescDetail: << NOTE: You need to install this package when you wish to develop with xmlsec. << DocFiles: << AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog Copyright INSTALL.txt NEWS README << << ### Description: XML Security Library DescDetail: << XML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2 and OpenSSL. It provides an implementation for major XML security standards: XML Digital Signature and XML Encryption. << ### License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Darian Lanx Homepage: