Package: aesutil Version: 1.0.7 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: 59e9b9635c384b42055d85a6dd66a5c7 DocFiles: << CHANGES LICENSE README TODO << CompileScript: << ./configure linux make << InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -c -p aes %i/bin << PostInstScript: << echo "-----------------------" echo "Even though this package is called aesutil the resulting binary" echo "is named aes. Please take note of this!" echo "-----------------------" << Description: CLI tool to encrypt/decrypt with AES DescDetail: << aesutil is a small library and command line program to encrypt or decrypt data using the Rijndael algorithm in CBC mode. The whole aes encryption backend stuff was written by Brian Gladman. The wrapper functions to encrypt and decrypt from memory buffers using a password for the key was written by Markus Lagler. The frontend and the UNIX porting (mainly the randon generator) was written by Tim Tassonis. The command line option parsing was done using Steve Mertz' excellent and platform independant getopts implementation. Known Bugs are: The passphrase-to-key-conversion is crap at best. Invalid passphrases can't be recognized. The base64 handling can't handle base64 blocks (only one single stream) << DescPort: << I know I should be configuring for some BSD system, but the Linux configure works just fine after some initial testing. << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: Maintainer: Darian Lanx