Package: crypt-cbc-pm Version: 2.12 Revision: 1 Type: perl Description: Perl-only Crypt::CBC cipher block chaining (CBC) License: Artistic Homepage: Maintainer: Blair Zajac # Unpack Phase. Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/L/LD/LDS/Crypt-CBC-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 27842b8ab627681b4a322610ea6184b5 # Install Phase. UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: Changes README # Documentation. DescDetail: << This is Crypt::CBC, a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic cipher block chaining mode (CBC). In combination with a block cipher such as Crypt::DES or Crypt::IDEA, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily long length. The encrypted messages are compatible with the encryption format used by SSLeay. In addition to this module you will need to install the MD5 module, and one or more of: Crypt::DES, Crypt::DES_EDE3, Crypt::IDEA, Crypt::Blowfish, or Crypt::Rijndael modules. 1. Digest::MD5 Required for key and iteration vector generation. 2. Crypt::DES Required for the DES encryption algorithm. 3. Crypt::DES_EDE3 Required for the triple DES encryption algorithm in Encrypt Decrypt Encrypt mode. Note, this depends on Crypt::DES. 4. Crypt::IDEA Required for the IDEA encryption algorithm. 5. Crypt::Blowfish Required for the Blowfish encryption algorithm. 6. Crypt::Blowfish_PP Required for the Blowfish_PP encryption algorithm. 7. Crypt::Rijndael Required for the Rijndael/AES encryption algorithm. <<