Package: egd-perl560 Version: 0.8 Revision: 5 Maintainer: Christian Swinehart Source: Source-MD5: 07776186d3105f565b606e59aa896c82 Depends: perl560-core Conflicts: sha-pm (<= 1.2-2), sha-pm560 Provides: sha-pm560 Replaces: sha-pm (<= 1.2-2), sha-pm560, egd (<= 0.8-5) Patch: %n.patch Type: Perl 5.6.0 UpdatePOD: true NoPerlTests: true DocFiles: README ChangeLog COPYING SHA-1.2/README:README.sha Description: Entropy-gathering daemon DescDetail: << EGD is a user-space daemon providing similar functionality to the Linux kernel's /dev/random device. It sits in the background collecting the randomness from various system events and allows other programs to read random bits out of this pool. << DescPackaging: Also installs the perl Secure Hash Algorithm library if none is availible. License: GPL Homepage: