Package: cfitsio Version: 2.510 Revision: 2 Description: FITS file subroutines library License: GPL Maintainer: Sebastien Maret BuildDepends: g77 Source: SourceDirectory: cfitsio Source-MD5: ae8e5e7e3d38cf5de7d1228b40faa62d CompileScript: << ./configure --prefix=%i make << InstallScript: << make install << DocFiles: README Licence.txt Homepage: DescDetail: << CFITSIO is a library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. CFITSIO simplifies the task of writing software that deals with FITS files by providing an easy to use set of high-level routines that insulate the programmer from the internal complexities of the FITS file format. At the same time, CFITSIO provides many advanced features that have made it the most widely used FITS file programming interface in the astronomical community. <<