Package: acct Version: 6.3.5 Revision: 3 Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/a/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz Source-MD5: a982333648d68e0eabf87989a1e5427b SourceDirectory: %n-%v Depends: daemonic, anacron Description: GNU Accounting Utilities package License:GPL PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1 ConfigureParams: --infodir=%i/share/info --mandir=%i/share/man InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mkdir -p %i/etc/cron.daily install -m 755 5acct %i/etc/cron.daily/ install -m 644 dump-acct.8 %i/share/man/man8/ install -m 644 dump-utmp.8 %i/share/man/man8/ << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README DescDetail: << This is a set of utilities which reports and summarizes data about user connect times and process execution statistics under u*x. This package contains: ac: summarize login accounting accton: turn process accounting on or off last: show the people who have logged in lastcomm: show which commands have been used sa: summarizes process accounting dump-utmp: print a utmp file in a human-readble format dump-acct: same as above for acct/pacct files << DaemonicName: acct DaemonicFile: << Process Accounting process accounting %p/sbin/accton %p/var/account/acct << PostInstScript: << # check for process accounting files # and create them if necessary ACDIR="%p/var/account" ACFILE="$ACDIR/acct" echo if [ ! -f $ACFILE ]; then if [ ! -d $ACDIR ]; then mkdir $ACDIR fi touch $ACFILE chmod 666 $ACFILE echo "A new process accounting file $ACFILE has been created." else echo "Existing process accounting file $ACFILE will be used." fi echo "Please see 'man accton' how to turn on/off process accounting." echo accton $ACFILE daemonic enable acct << PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then daemonic remove acct accton rm -rf %p/var/account echo echo "Turned off process accounting and removed accounting files" echo fi << Maintainer: Mathias Meyer Homepage: