Package: fink-obsolete-packages Version: 0.1 Revision: 1 Source: none PatchScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev cat < README This package is a base package for other ones that are considered "obsolete" due to being superseded by a more modern package of a different name. The designation of "obsolete" is signified by listing Depends:%n in the obsolete package. Maintainers can thus use standard dependency tracing techniques to locate and upgrade to more modern package-names in their dependencies. The ability to remove this package without breaking dependencies indicates one's fink installed package set does not contain any obsolete packages. End-users can generally ignore this package and consider it a part of the internal workings of fink itself. This package is released under the terms of the GNU License (see the COPYING file for details). EOREADME cp %p/share/doc/fink/COPYING . << CompileScript: echo "Nothing to compile" InstallScript: echo "Nothing to install" DocFiles: COPYING README Description: Base package for obsolete packages DescDetail: << This package is a base package for other ones that are considered "obsolete" due to being superseded by a more modern package of a different name. << DescUsage: << The designation of "obsolete" is signified by listing Depends:%n in the obsolete package. Maintainers can thus use standard dependency tracing techniques to locate and upgrade to more modern package-names in their dependencies. The ability to remove this package without breaking dependencies indicates one's fink installed package set does not contain any obsolete packages. End-users can generally ignore this package and consider it a part of the internal workings of fink itself. << License: GPL Maintainer: Fink Core Group Homepage: