Package: flex-devel Version: 2.5.33 Revision: 1 BuildDepends: help2man Source: mirror:sourceforge:flex/flex-%v.tar.bz2 NoSetMAKEFLAGS: true SetMAKEFLAGS: -j1 DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS ONEWS README* THANKS TODO CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex export lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=65536 ./configure --prefix=%p/lib/flex make << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d rm -rf %i/lib/flex/man %i/lib/flex/share %i/lib/flex/info << # Description: Fast lexical analyser generator DescDetail: << Flex is a tool for generating programs that require pattern-matching on text. It is usually used together with yacc/bison to automatically generate a parser for a language grammar, e.g. the syntax of a configuration file. This is a version of Flex that generates better C++ code than the standard 2.5.4 Flex, but also has some compatibility problems with the older flex as well, so it installs into %p/lib/flex and must be explicitly linked by projects that want to use it. << DescUsage: << You will need to explicitly add the paths to this version of flex to your environment to use it (so that it doesn't get in the way of the "regular" flex). Generally you should be able to do it by doing something like: export PATH="%p/lib/flex/bin:$PATH" export CPPFLAGS="-I%p/lib/flex/include" export LDFLAGS="-L%p/lib/flex/lib" << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Source-MD5: 343374a00b38d9e39d1158b71af37150