Package: gimp-print-dev Version: 4.2.5 Depends: darwin (>= 7.0-1), gimp-print-shlibs Revision: 1 BuildDependsOnly: True Source: mirror:sourceforge:gimp-print/gimp-print-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 82a75fa7c97423b1a787df41552da3cc CompileScript: echo "no CompileScript needed" InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/include/gimp-print cp include/gimp-print/gimp-print.h %i/include/gimp-print << DocFiles: README COPYING AUTHORS Description: Development headers for Apple's Gimp Print DescDetail: << This package contains the missing headers for the optional Gimp-Print Printer Drivers package in Panther. It does NOT support third-party versions, or installs on Jaguar. This is to make support easier. << License: GPL Maintainer: Alexander Strange Homepage: