Package: rej Version: 0.16 Revision: 1 Description: Tool to fix up patch rejects License: GPL Source: Source-MD5: 99e95c3d622e4b27b17db95998cd1b4e Suggests: meld CompileScript: echo "Nothing to compile" InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin cp rej %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n ln -s %p/share/doc/fink/COPYING %i/share/doc/%n << DocFiles: README CHANGELOG vimrc mp qp DescDetail: << rej tries to merge simple rejects and then run a merge program so the changes can be verified. It is not meant to resolve complex problems that would not be immediately obvious to the programmer, the goal instead is to quickly fix the easy problems. rej understands both unified and context diffs. There are four basic rejects fixable via rej. 1) missing context at the top or bottom of the hunk 2) different context in the middle of the hunk 3) slightly different lines removed by the hunk than exist in the file 4) Large hunks that might apply if they were broken up into smaller ones. << Homepage: None Maintainer: Brendan Cully