Package: robodoc Version: 4.99.32 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:/%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 4b990c533b60df9a1cbdeac31134a7cc Depends: exuberant-ctags #BuildDepends: exuberant-ctags, dos2unix, autoconf, automake1.9 BuildDepends: exuberant-ctags, autoconf, automake1.9 SetCFLAGS: -gfull -Wall -O0 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --disable-dependency-tracking #PatchScript: << #dos2unix -k Docs/robodoc.rc -k Examples/PerlExample/robodoc.rc -k Contributions/robodoc.kaptn #<< CompileScript: << autoreconf -f -i ./configure %c make << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d Description: LaTeX-oriented text editor DescDetail: << ROBODoc is a API documentation tool for C, C++, Java, Assembler, Basic, Fortran, LaTeX, Postscript, Tcl/Tk, LISP, Forth, Perl, Shell Scripts, Makefiles, Occam, COBOL, DCL, Visual Basic, HTML, DB/C, XML, and many other languages. It can be made to work with any language that supports comments. Usage * First read the doc at %p/share/doc/robodoc/ * The rtf format created works with AbiWord, just import the file created by robodoc and create a table of contents with Abiword. It also works probably with OpenOffice, but not with TextEdit, unless saved beforehand with AbiWord. * For generating pdf document from DocBook xml files, use xsltproc with the fo xslt stylesheet and fop: xsltproc --output pathtofo/docbook.xsl api.xml fop -fo -pdf api.pdf You may have to customize the stylesheet to get right toc numbering. * For generating html document from DocBook xml files, just give the right path to docbook.xsl: xsltproc --output api.html pathtohtml/docbook.xsl api.xml * Other formats from %p/share/doc/robodoc/Examples work right out of the box. * Apart the binaries robodoc and robohdrs in %p/bin, there are two files in %p/share/doc/%N/Contributions: robodoc.kaptn to create robodoc.rc file with Kaptain; and to create perldoc. * You may have to install tetex and the desired dvi, ps, pdf viewers, Docbook bundle, and eventually Kaptain. * More information is available on the author's blog: << DescPort: << #Changed line endings in some files to avoid failures at runtime << License: GPL Homepage: DescPackaging: Formerly maintained by Michele Garoche Maintainer: None