Package: tmake Version: 1.7 Revision: 4 Maintainer: Jeremy Higgs Source: Source-MD5: 102af90262de0fdbcc0e9e4b3b46cf4a PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: echo "No configuration or compilation necessary." InstallScript: << install -d %i/bin install -d %i/lib/tmake/darwin-c++ install -c bin/tmake %i/bin install -c bin/progen %i/bin install -c lib/darwin-c++/* %i/lib/tmake/darwin-c++ install -d %i/etc/profile.d echo "setenv TMAKEPATH %p/lib/tmake/darwin-c++" > %i/etc/profile.d/tmake.csh echo "export TMAKEPATH=%p/lib/tmake/darwin-c++" > %i/etc/profile.d/ chmod +x %i/etc/profile.d/tmake.csh %i/etc/profile.d/ << DocFiles: CHANGES LICENSE README doc/* Description: Tool for creating and maintaining makefiles DescDetail: << tmake is a tool that allows the user to create and maintain makefiles across different platforms and compilers. << DescPort: << Patch adds directory for darwin-c++ compiler. << License: Restrictive Homepage: