Package: texmacs-fonts Version: 1.0.16 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 945dfd3f76b20082aeea8131d87a260f NoSourceDirectory: true License: Restrictive Depends: texmacs (>= Replaces: texmacs CompileScript: << << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/TeXmacs mv fonts %i/share/TeXmacs/ mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n echo See %p/share/doc/texmacs/TEX_FONTS for documentation. > %i/share/doc/%n/README << Description: Precompiled bitmap fonts for TeXmacs DescDetail: << TeXmacs uses TeX fonts. When a bitmap font is needed that does not exist, it is created on the fly. Waiting for this to complete can become somewhat annoying. To avoid this, install the texmacs-fonts package. It contains a large set of precompiled 600-dpi bitmap fonts. << Maintainer: Martin Costabel Homepage: