Package: xmahjongg Version: 3.5 Revision: 31 Maintainer: Jeremy Higgs BuildDepends: x11-dev, gcc3.3 Depends: x11 Source: Source-MD5: 1768f56e6cc5a671e6522eb86f6a918f Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' GCC: 3.3 CompileScript: << export CC=gcc-3.3; export CXX=g++-3.3; ./configure %c make CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3 << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n tail -n 9 README > %i/share/doc/%n/COPYING << DocFiles: NEWS README Description: X-Windows version of Mah Jongg DescDetail: << Xmahjongg is an X-Windows version of Mah Jongg, where the aim is to remove all 144 tiles from the board, by matching pairs. Some features of Xmahjongg are: * Colourful Mah Jongg tiles. * Multiple tile sets. * Undo function. * A count of matches remaining. << DescPackaging: << InstallScript includes 'tail' command to create COPYING file and place it in correct directory. ConfigureParams places manpages in correct directories. Patch adds 'DESTDIR' support for 'install-share' target in file. << Homepage: License: GPL