Package: ztools Version: 981107 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: f5e6abb7011817e48debee828895a500 SourceDirectory: . CompileScript: make -f makefile InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 mkdir -p %i/bin/ cp *.man %i/share/man/man1/ cp pix2gif %i/bin/ cp txd %i/bin/ cp infodump %i/bin/ cp check %i/bin/ << DocFiles: readme.1st Description: Set of Z-Machine tools DescDetail: << An essential set of Z-machine tools for interpreter authors, experienced Inform programmers, and Z-code hackers, originally written by Mark Howell, and now maintained by Matthew Russotto. The toolkit consists of TXD, a Z-code disassembler, and Infodump, a story file table parser, together with utilities for verifying and stripping story files, converting Infocom's IBM MCGA graphics files to GIF, and extracting story files from bootable DOS discs. << License: Restrictive/Distributable Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: