Package: glade-bonobo Version: 0.6.4 Revision: 13 BuildDepends: glib,bonobo,bonobo-dev, scrollkeeper, x11-dev, libgettext3-dev Depends: x11, glib-shlibs, gtk+,bonobo,bonobo-shlibs,bonobo-dev Replaces: glade Conflicts: glade Source: mirror:gnome:sources/glade/%v/glade-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 6bae18e2fd323d64168992e126e27efb Patch: %n.patch UpdateConfigGuess: true ConfigureParams: --with-bonobo SetCPPFLAGS: -no-cpp-precomp # DocFiles: README COPYING TODO ABOUT-NLS NEWS FAQ INSTALL # PostInstScript: << if [ configure = "$1" ]; then scrollkeeper-update -q fi << PostRmScript: << if [ remove != "$1" ]; then scrollkeeper-update -q fi << # Description: GTK+ user interface builder DescDetail: << Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME. Glade can produce C source code itself. C++, Ada95, Python & Perl support is also available, via external tools which process the XML interface description files output by Glade. This variant of the glade package includes support for bonobo. Note that this is still unfinished. Source code output isn't done. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: None