Package: gnome-backgrounds Version: 2.16.2 Revision: 2 Source: mirror:gnome:sources/%n/2.16/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 765c19d28d39483769687691941129c9 Depends: libgettext3-shlibs BuildDepends: libgettext3-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev, intltool (>= 0.35.5-1) DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL NEWS README Description: Backgrounds for GNOME DescDetail: << The gnome-backgrounds package contains a set of backgrounds used in the GNOME desktop. << DescUsage: << Basic Usage: Right-click on the gnome desktop to change the background colors or add a wall-paper. Tip: Apart from the images offered by the tool, you may load whichever image you want (jpg, svg, png, tiff, etc.), especially the Mac OS X Desktop or User Pictures. Workaround: The package installs various images under subdirectories of %p/share/pixmaps/backgrounds/gnome/. It maybe that some images do not show up as thumbnails on the left side of the gnome-background-properties tool. In this case, choose them as wall-paper, quit the tool and the gnome environment, then relaunch it, the image will show up. Repeat the process until all images show up as thumbnails. << License: GPL DescPackaging: Formerly maintained by Michele Garoche Maintainer: The Gnome Core Team Homepage: