Package: gtk-canvas Version: 0.1.1 Revision: 22 BuildDepends: gtk+, glib, libiconv-dev, gettext-dev, x11-dev, imlib, gnome-libs-dev, libart2 (>= 2.3.16-2) #Depends: gtk+-shlibs, libgl, gnome-libs, gnome-libs-shlibs, imlib-shlibs, libart2-shlibs (>= 2.3.16-2) BuildDependsOnly: true Source: Source-MD5: 6872220119a4a3c284fe54a186e2ed57 DocFiles: README AUTHORS NEWS COPYING Description: GTK widget for GNOME canvas DescDetail: << This is a straight port of the GNOME Cavnas from the stable gnome-libs 1.2.4 back to gtk+. The widget is called GtkCanvas. This widget behaves identically to the GnomeCanvas widget, with the same APIs, except the names are changed from gnome_canvas to gtk_canvas. Thus you can use the GNOME documentation on this widget. The test-gtkcanvas program in the %p/share/gtk-canvas/test directory can serve as a starting point on learning to use the widget. << DescPackaging: << The package also builds its own libart. This is not installed, but is used to compile the library that does get installed. It does not seem to work with the existing fink libart, so this was the simplest workaround. << DescUsage: << Only the static library libgtk-canvas.a is supplied in gtk-canvas. To compile against it, you will also need to install the following packages: gtk+, glib, libiconv-dev, gettext-dev, x11-dev, imlib, gnome-libs-dev, libart2 (>= 2.3.16-2) << PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's/include //g' **/*.c ConfigureParams: --with-gtk-prefix=%p --with-imlib-prefix=%p InstallScript: << #!/bin/zsh -efv # Install gtk canvas cd gtk-canvas make install prefix=%i # # Install test programs cd ../test rm -f *.o make install cd .. mkdir -p %i/share/gtk-canvas cp -R test %i/share/gtk-canvas/. # # Install top level header files mkdir -p %i/include /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 gtk-canvas.h %i/include/gtk-canvas.h # # install libart headers #cd libart_lgpl #mkdir -p %i/include/libart_lgpl #/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 *.h %i/include/libart_lgpl/. # ln -s %p/include/libart-2.0/libart_lgpl %i/include/libart_lgpl << License: GPL Maintainer: W. G. Scott Homepage: