Package: stegdetect Version: 0.6 Revision: 3 ### Description: Detects data hidden in JPEG files License: BSD Maintainer: James Gibbs ### Source: Source-MD5: 850a3551b5c450b9f450a919ad021767 Patch: %n.patch PatchScript: << head -n 29 stegdetect.c > Copyright << Depends: libjpeg-bin, x11, gtk+-shlibs, glib-shlibs, gettext, libevent1-shlibs, libjpeg-shlibs BuildDepends: x11-dev, gtk+, glib, gettext-dev, libevent1, libjpeg ### ConfigureParams: --datadir=%p/share/%n --mandir=%p/share/man ### InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << ### DocFiles: Copyright ### Homepage: ### DescDetail: << Stegdetect is an automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images. It is capable of detecting several different steganographic methods to embed hidden information in JPEG images. Currently, the detectable schemes are jsteg, jphide (unix and windows), invisible secrets, outguess 01.3b, F5 (header analysis), appendX and camouflage. Stegbreak is used to launch dictionary attacks against JSteg-Shell, JPHide and OutGuess 0.13b. << ### DescUsage: << There are man pages for stegdetect and stegbreak. If you wish to try stegbreak on the first steganographic image found in the wild (at, make sure "abc" is in your dictionary. << ### DescPort: << v 0.6-1 (dmacks): new %v that works with gcc-3.3; patched to force linking to included jpeg and file/magic libs instead of ones available from fink or system (uses modified versions of these libs) v 0.6-2 (dmacks): patch out redefined var so works with gcc4 v 0.6-3 (dmacks): cleaner handling of flags (global *after* local) <<