Package: gforth Version: 0.5.0 Revision: 12 Source: gnu Source-MD5: db16b64e9d63934bc4455e9b2aebbe13 Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --enable-force-reg --enable-direct-threaded --without-debug SetCC: cc -I%p/include -no-cpp-precomp -Dunix UpdateConfigGuess: true DocFiles: README COPYING AUTHORS BUGS NEWS ChangeLog INSTALL INSTALL.DOS INSTALL.BINDIST ToDo InfoDocs: InstallScript: << install -d %i/share/emacs/site-lisp/ make install prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man infodir=%i/share/info << Description: Fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language DescDetail: << Gforth is a fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language. It works nicely with the Emacs editor, offers some nice features such as input completion and history and a powerful locals facility, and it even has (the beginnings of) a manual. Gforth employs traditional implementation techniques: its inner interpreter is indirect or direct threaded. << DescPort: << The makefiles just ignore the CPPFLAGS, I resorted to pass them in CC. Had to add a dummy emacs directory because the makefile checks its existence. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Jorge Acereda