Package: tcllib Version: 1.7 Revision: 2 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: b8d9d5da75f082d0e5b2949c2df3509b Depends: tcltk Recommends: tcllib-man Patch: %n.patch InstallScript: << ./installer.tcl -no-examples -no-html -pkg-path %i/lib/%n%v -nroff-path %i/share/man/mann -app-path %i/bin -no-wait -no-gui << DocFiles: ChangeLog README license.terms SplitOff: << Package: %N-man Conflicts: blt-man Replaces: blt (<= 2.4z-12), blt-man Files: share/man DocFiles: ChangeLog README license.terms << License: BSD Description: Standardized Tcl library DescPackaging: man pages moved to splitoff to avoid conflict with blt package DescPort: << Thanks to J-F Mertens for detecting and correcting a problem in the configure script (see the patchfile). << Homepage: Maintainer: None