Package: avalon-logkit Version: Revision: 1 Description: Secure, performance-oriented logging toolkit Type: java License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Trevor Harmon Depends: system-java13-dev | system-java14-dev, avalon-framework Source: mirror:apache:excalibur/%n/binaries/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 7b692648295ad1029161b35b74e5ae6b JarFiles: %n-%v.jar Homepage: CompileScript: # Binary package; no compilation required InstallScript: << # Copy the doc files (because Fink's DocFiles field can't recurse on a directory) mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/docs/ cp -p *.txt %i/share/doc/%n/ cp -Rp docs/ %i/share/doc/%n/docs/ << DescDetail: << LogKit is a logging toolkit designed for secure performance oriented logging in applications. The LogKit provides the following features: - Decouples LogEvent generation from LogEvent handling. - Is simple to use and simple to configure. - Designed with security in mind. - Allow users fine control of logging based on priority and/or category. - Has hierarchical logging namespace to enable inheritance of LogTargets and Priorities. - Lightweight. - Designed to be integrated into existing products. - Performance oriented. - Enables users to plug in filters to filter out or modify LogEvents before they are written out. - Allow users to specify the serialization format of LogEvents via Formatters. - Comes with a number of existing LogTargets to ease integration. - The LogKit has existed for a number years and been used in a number of different environments which demonstrates it's reliability and stability. <<