Package: db31 Version: 3.1.17 Revision: 9 Maintainer: Max Horn BuildDependsOnly: true NoSetLDFlags: true NoSetCPPFlags: true SetCFlags: -Os SetCXXFlags: -Os ConfigureParams: --includedir=%p/include/db3 CustomMirror: << nam-US: nam-US: eur-UK: << Source: mirror:custom:db-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 5baeb94fb934d0bf783ea42117c400be CompileScript: << (cd build_unix; ../dist/configure %c) (cd build_unix; make PROGS="") << InstallScript: << (cd build_unix; make install_include includedir=%I/include/db3) (cd build_unix; make install_static prefix=%I) mkdir -p %i/lib/db31 mv %i/lib/libdb.a %i/lib/db31/libdb.a mv %i/include/db3 %i/include/db31 << DocFiles: LICENSE README Description: Berkeley DB embedded database DescPackaging: << This package only contains static libs, and it not seperated into splitoffs. Also it makes sure to name the library and the include dir differently from the regular db3 package. That is so because this package is only meant to be a build time dependency for Evolution, which depends on this specific version of db, and it is not to be used for anything else. << Homepage: License: OSI-Approved