Package: joal Version: 1.0.0-1.1.0-b04 Revision: 1 Type: java(1.4) Source: Source-MD5: f54407af37143a037ba0a4fcef8a8925 SourceDirectory: lib Depends: system-java (>= 1.4) CompileScript: # No compilation necessary InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex # Copy the JNI library mkdir -p %i/lib cp libjoal.jnilib %i/lib << JarFiles: %n.jar Homepage: Maintainer: Trevor Harmon Description: OpenAL bindings for Java DescDetail: << The JOAL Project hosts a reference implementation of the Java bindings for OpenAL API, and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D spatialized audio for games written in Java. It is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems, with intention of making the development of high performance games in Java a reality. This project also hosts the Sound3D Toolkit, a high level API for spatialized audio built on top of the OpenAL bindings. This toolkit is designed to provide access to all the features of OpenAL through an intuitive, easy to use, object-oriented interface. << DescPort: << This package requires the OpenAL library. See: For Java to be able to find the JOAL library, its parent directory needs to be specified in the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. (Otherwise, you will get UnsatisfiedLinkErrors when you try to run a program that uses JOAL.) To set this variable in the bash shell: export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%p/lib << License: BSD