Info2: << Package: astro-fits-header-pm Version: 3.0 Revision: 11 Description: Object Orientated interface to FITS HDUs Type: perl License: Artistic Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: system-perl BuildDepends: system-perl Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/Astro/Astro-FITS-Header-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 5d9fa2424486846115c80c3fd6b82949 UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: ChangeLog GPL MANIFEST README TODO Homepage: DescDetail: << Astro::FITS::Header and associated sub-classes are tools for reading, modifying and then writing out FITS standard header blocks to FITS, NDF and GSD files. The module now fully supports ESO HIERARCH header keywords. Support for instantiating Astro::FITS:Header objects from Starlink::AST FrameSet objects is also supported. Full documentation is included in the POD attached to the modules. << <<