Package: atexit-pm Version: 2.01 Revision: 1 Type: perl Description: ANSI-C style exit processing and variable scope clean-up License: Artistic Homepage: Maintainer: Blair Zajac # Unpack Phase. Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/B/BR/BRADAPP/AtExit-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: da5139adaef86963d5eb7a4aaf0fce94 # Install Phase. UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: MANIFEST README # Documentation. DescDetail: << The AtExit module provides ANSI-C style exit processing modeled after the "atexit" function in the standard C library (see atexit(3C)). An AtExit object can be created in any scope. When invoked as an object-method (using the "$object->method_name" syntax), callbacks registered with an AtExit object are executed at object-destruction time. <<