Info2: << Package: encode-pm%type_pkg[perl] Version: 2.18 Revision: 1 Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6) Description: Perl module for character encodings License: Artistic Maintainer: Christian Schaffner # Dependencies: Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.20.6-1) Conflicts: %N-man Replaces: %N-man # Unpack Phase: Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DA/DANKOGAI/Encode-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: b16ee372b5289303c1863c0371e4d3d9 # Install Phase: UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: AUTHORS Changes MANIFEST README SplitOff2: << Package: %N-bin Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Conflicts: %{Ni}581-bin, %{Ni}584-bin, %{Ni}586-bin Replaces: %{Ni}581-bin, %{Ni}584-bin, %{Ni}586-bin Files: bin << # Additional Data: DescDetail: << The "Encode" module provides the interfaces between Perl's strings and the rest of the system. Perl strings are sequences of characters. See "perldoc Encode" for the rest of the story << DescPackaging: << No moving of man pages needed, since there are none as of version 2.18 << Homepage: <<