Info2: << Package: extutils-f77-pm Version: 1.16 Revision: 11 Description: Simple interface to Fortran libs Type: perl License: Artistic Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: << g95, system-perl << BuildDepends: << g95, system-perl << Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/ExtUtils/ExtUtils-F77-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: af925e7e8a2876a5fd9b6c4660e37664 Patch: %n.patch UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: CHANGES COPYING MANIFEST README Homepage: DescDetail: << This module tries to figure out how to link C programs with Fortran subroutines on your system. Basically one must add a list of Fortran runtime libraries. The problem is their location and name varies with each OS/compiler combination! This module tries to implement a simple 'rule-of-thumb' database for various flavours of UNIX systems. A simple self-documenting Perl database of knowledge/code for figuring out how to link for various combinations of OS and compiler is embedded in the modules Perl code. Please help save the world by sending database entries for your system to << <<