Package: mime-lite-pm Version: 3.01 Revision: 12 ### BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.17.0-1) Replaces: mime-lite-pm581 (<= 3.01-10) ### Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/Y/YV/YVES/MIME-Lite-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: b41eb689819775fd8df360458fc2d507 ### Type: perl UpdatePOD: true ### DocFiles: COPYING INSTALLING MANIFEST* README* ### Description: Low-calorie MIME generator DescDetail: << In the never-ending quest for great taste with fewer calories, we proudly present: *MIME::Lite*. MIME::Lite is intended as a simple, standalone module for generating (not parsing!) MIME messages... specifically, it allows you to output a simple, decent single- or multi-part message with text or binary attachments. It does not require that you have the Mail:: or MIME:: modules installed. You can specify each message part as either the literal data itself (in a scalar or array), or as a string which can be given to open() to get a readable filehandle (e.g., " Homepage: