Package: mldbm-pm Version: 2.01 Revision: 4 Source: mirror:cpan:/authors/id/C/CH/CHAMAS/MLDBM-%v.tar.gz Depends: freezethaw-pm UpdatePOD: true Type: perl PatchScript: echo 'For licensing information, please see the end of the perldocs for MLDBM.' > LICENSE-INFO DocFiles: Changes README MANIFEST LICENSE-INFO Description: Database interface package DescDetail: << Interface for Data::Dumper, Storable, and FreezeThaw << DescUsage: << If you want to use this with perl5.6.0 or you have the "perl560" package installed, install the "storable-pm560" package if you get errors about a missing Storable module or file. << DescPort: << Installs perfectly << License: Artistic Maintainer: Kyle Moffett Homepage: Source-MD5: 99550ae2cffbc0bb3eb0358631077c10