Package: net-ipv4addr-pm Version: 0.10 Revision: 1 Type: perl Description: Parse address/mask and CIDR IPv4 addresses License: Artistic/GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Blair Zajac # Unpack Phase. Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/F/FR/FRAJULAC/Net-IPv4Addr-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 57aa8e28ebcd4c0c9f15792740e53d3c # Install Phase. UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: ChangeLog MANIFEST NEWS README # Documentation. DescDetail: << Net::IPv4Addr provides functions for parsing IPv4 addresses both in traditional address/netmask format and in the new CIDR format. There are also methods for calculating the network and broadcast address and also to see check if a given address is in a specific network. <<