Info2: << Package: proc-processtable-pm%type_pkg[perl] Version: 0.39-cvs20040222-sf77543 Revision: 5 Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core Conflicts: %N-doc Replaces: %N-doc #Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DU/DURIST/Proc-ProcessTable-%v.tar.gz Source: Source-MD5: 7bef3d31b95817bab67c2d7088f0d3b7 SourceDirectory: proc-ptable Source2: Source2-MD5: 35c92cb175f2c4017a6ffab9f969c600 Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6) PatchScript: << perl -pi.BAK -e "s/VERSION = '0.39'/VERSION = '%v'/" cp -f ../Proc-ProcessTable-Darwin-04/os/* os << InstallScript: << %{default_script} mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl] << DocFiles: Changes README README.darwin UpdatePOD: true Description: Perl module to access the unix process table DescDetail: << This module is a first crack at providing a consistent interface to Unix (and maybe other multitasking OS's) process table information. The impetus for this came about with my frustration at having to parse the output of various systems' ps commands to check whether specific processes were running on different boxes at a larged mixed Unix site. The output format of ps was different on each OS, and sometimes changed with each new release of an OS. Also, running a ps subprocess from within a perl or shell script and parsing the output was not a very efficient or aesthetic way to do things. << DescUsage: << With this module, you can do things like this: # kill memory pigs use Proc::ProcessTable; $t = new Proc::ProcessTable; foreach $p ( @{$t->table} ){ if( $p->pctmem > 95 ){ $p->kill(9); } } There is another short example in the file "" in the distribution. For a more elaborate example (in German), see . If you can't read German, try my other module, WWW::Babelfish! There are also two contributed modules: a module called Proc::Killall contributed by Aaron Sherman to kill all processes whose command-lines match a given pattern, and a module called Proc::Killfam by Stephen Lidie to kill a list of processes and their children. These modules are installed along with Proc::ProcessTable. Pod documentation is included in both of them. << DescPackaging: << CPAN 0.39 tarball accidentally dropped darwin files, so using CVS snapshot (that also includes some other useful patches). OS X 10.3 changed ps but Proc::ProcessTable CVS hasn't added the needed changes. The updated files are attached to a SF tracker item: so we'll just download (a mirror of) that file and overlay the files. << License: Artistic Maintainer: Daniel Macks Homepage: <<