Package: spreadsheet-writeexcel-pm Version: 2.20 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JM/JMCNAMARA/Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 671b1bb9f0c31816c19c6564b9bda7d8 Type: perl UpdatePOD: true Depends: ole-storagelite-pm, rec-descent-pm Replaces: %N-man, %N581-bin, %N584-bin, %N586-bin PatchScript: perl -0 -pe's/^.*=head\d\s+(COPYRIGHT.*?)(=head\d.*|=cut.*|)$/$1/is' lib/Spreadsheet/ > COPYRIGHT DocFiles: Changes README doc/* COPYRIGHT License: Artistic/GPL Description: Write cross-platform Excel binary file Maintainer: Daniel Macks Homepage: DescPackaging: << Report bugs to the maintainer or the CPAN bug tracker: <<