Package: term-readpassword-pm Version: 0.01 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/P/PH/PHOENIX/Term-ReadPassword-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: c720da162f62d4cbbd849406ab0b5d84 Type: perl UpdatePOD: true NoPerlTests: true DocFiles: Changes README Description: Terminal password prompt without echo DescDetail: << This module lets you ask the user for a password in the traditional way, from the keyboard, without echoing. This is not intended for use over the web; user authentication over the web is another matter entirely. Also, this module should generally be used in conjunction with Perl's crypt() function, sold separately. << DescPort: << Disable test because they involve user interaction (duh, that's what the module is for). Uses Term::ReadLine; a (minimal) version of that is a perl core module. << License: Artistic Maintainer: Daniel Macks Homepage: