Package: text-delimmatch-pm Version: 1.06a Revision: 1 Maintainer: Max Horn Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/N/NW/NWALSH/DelimMatch-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 8efb70c2326d0b8f551708e9cdc2b649 SourceDirectory: DelimMatch-1.06 Type: perl UpdatePOD: True DocFiles: MANIFEST README Description: Perl extension to find regexp delimited strings DescDetail: << DelimMatch allows you to match delimited substrings in a buffer. The delimiters can be specified with any regular expression and the start and end delimiters need not be the same. If the delimited text is properly nested, entire nested groups are returned. In addition, you may specify quoting and escaping characters that contribute to the recognition of start and end delimiters. << License: Artistic/GPL Homepage: