Info2: << Package: xml-xerces-c23-pm%type_pkg[perl] Version: Revision: 1 Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc Type: perl (5.8.1) Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JA/JASONS/XML-Xerces-2.3.0-4.tar.gz Source-MD5: 006dd9f2b0238539cb58b37838c613ef UpdatePOD: true NoPerlTests: true Depends: xerces-c23-shlibs BuildDepends: xerces-c23-dev, perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, fink (>= 0.20.1-1) CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh export XERCES_CONFIG=%p/share/xerces-c23-dev/config.status export XERCES_LIB=%p/lib export XERCES_INCLUDE=%p/include %{default_script} << DocFiles: Changes FAQ LICENSE MANIFEST README TODO Description: Perl API to the Apache Xerces XML parser DescDetail: << Xerces-C is a validating XML parser written in C++. Xerces-C conforms with the XML-1.0 W3C recommendation. This perl module has significant known issues with Mac OSX (including crash bugs), but the XML validation facilities work well enough for development work. << DescPackaging: << This Perl module is tightly bound to a specific version of the Xerces library, hence the -c23 infix. The Perl tests are known to fail on Mac OSX, so I've disabled them. << License: BSD Maintainer: Chris Dolan Homepage: # end of Info2 field: <<