Package: yape-regex-explain-pm Version: 3.011 Revision: 4 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/P/PI/PINYAN/YAPE-Regex-Explain-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 3e6f3eed266cb52ceec6b1fb70d3e4f8 Type: perl Depends: yape-regex-pm UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: Changes README Description: Explanation of a regular expression DescDetail: << The YAPE hierarchy of modules is an attempt at a unified means of parsing and extracting content. It attempts to maintain a generic interface, to promote simplicity and reusability. The API is powerful, yet simple. The modules do tokenization (which can be intercepted) and build trees, so that extraction of specific nodes is doable. This module merely sub-classes YAPE::Regex, and produces a rather verbose explanation of a regex, suitable for demonstration and tutorial purposes. Perl 5.6 regex structures like \p{...} and \P{...} and [:...:] are now supported. << DescUsage: << Docs for the explain-regex script and YAPE::Regex::Explain are in pod format in the usual places. << DescPort: << Install the sample "explain" script (and call it "explain-regex") << License: Artistic Maintainer: Daniel Macks Homepage: TarFilesRename: explain:explain-regex Patch: %n.patch