Info2: << Package: actionmailer-rb%type_pkg[ruby] Version: 1.3.1 Revision: 1 Type: ruby (1.8) Description: Mail service classes License: BSD Maintainer: Benjamin Reed # Dependencies: Depends: actionpack-rb%type_pkg[ruby] (>= 1.12.5-1), rubygems-rb%type_pkg[ruby], ruby%type_pkg[ruby] BuildDepends: actionpack-rb%type_pkg[ruby] (>= 1.12.5-1), rubygems-rb%type_pkg[ruby], ruby%type_pkg[ruby]-dev # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-MD5: b838420c2672e6fe1905c63531c91cf8 NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: echo "" # Install Phase: InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/var/lib/gems/%type_raw[ruby] %p/bin/gem install --local --install-dir %i/var/lib/gems/%type_raw[ruby] --rdoc actionmailer-%v.gem rm -rf %i/var/lib/gems/%type_raw[ruby]/cache << # Additional Data: DescDetail: << Simplifies the creation of mail service classes that uses Action View (from Action Pack) to render the body templates. << Homepage: <<