Info2: << Package: algorithm-diff-rb%type_pkg[ruby] Version: 0.4 Revision: 1 Type: ruby (1.8) Description: Diff Algorithm Implementation for Ruby License: GPL Maintainer: Christian Schaffner # Dependencies: Depends: ruby%type_pkg[ruby] BuildDepends: ruby%type_pkg[ruby]-dev # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-MD5: 3e832de40dc1866dddc64978fe67e4c8 # Compile Phase: CompileScript: << %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] install.rb config --prefix=%p %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] install.rb setup (cd test; %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] -I../lib test_diff.rb) << # Install Phase: InstallScript: << %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] install.rb install --prefix=%d << DocFiles: README TODO doc/* # Additional Data: DescDetail: << This implementation is basically a Ruby conversion of the Perl Algorithm::Diff module in CPAN. Diff is an algorithm which computes the differences between two lists a and b. The resulting set of differences can be applied to a (also called "patching") to get b. This is also what the Unix command line tools "diff" and "patch" are able to do. diff.rb generates a "minimal diff". This means that the set of changes that should be applied to a to get b can not be fewer than those generated by diff.rb. diff.rb does not generate contextual diffs. Therefor, the diff can only be succesfully applied to a list exactly equal to to original a. << Homepage: <<