Package: cgterm Version: 1.6 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Rob Braun GCC: 3.3 BuildDepends: sdl Depends: sdl-shlibs Source: Source-MD5: 5b8f81ea8a2c0612d2998f05fd87ec40 CompileScript: << make PREFIX=%p << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share make install PREFIX=%i << Description: C/G telnet client that uses Commodore 64 PETSCII encoding DescDetail: << C/G telnet client that uses Commodore 64 PETSCII encoding. This will let you connect to C64 bbs' and see the full glory of PETSCII. This also includes a 64CHAT chat client which also understands PETSCII. << License: GPL Homepage: