Package: gift-utils Version: 1.0.0 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:custom:%n-%v.tar.bz2 CustomMirror: << First: Second: << Source-MD5: 5a9d9f6ec5f8573eed19835e7d4f0915 Depends: netcat Recommends: giftcurs, gift CompileScript: echo none InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -m 755 killgiFT %i/bin/ << DocFiles: COPYING Description: Misc. tools for giFT DescDetail: << giFT is a `recursive' acronym for `giFT: Internet File Transfer'. The giFT project is actually a collection of several components together: the giFT daemon (which acts as bridge to the actual file sharing protocols), OpenFT (a p2p network designed to exploit all the functionality giFT supports), and a user interface front-end. Note that giFT is alpha software (but it works!), and is still very much under development! You should update *often*. << License: GPL Maintainer: Chris Zubrzycki Homepage: